Gut Feeling [Sam Wilson]

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Pairings: Sam Wilson x fem!childhood best friend!Reader

Characters: Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Sarah Wilson | mentions of, Steve Rogers

Words: 3.8K

Summary: After taking a few year's leave from work you decide to come back to your home town right around the same time your best friend from high school decided to do the same thing and it seems like things just pick up exactly where they left off.

Warnings: light swearing, FATWS spoilers (ep 6)

A/N: Okay so I basically finished this in one sitting so BE PROUD GUYS. I mean I love the best friends to lovers concept with Sam he just works so well with it, yet again (can't wait to try the opposite too cause honestly, it's gonna be just as entertaining)


When Sam pulled into the driveway of his childhood home and a wave of relief washed over him. Things didn't go the way they should have, but he needed to take a minute, breathe, figure it out.

He was so tired he barely even noticed the extra car parked by the garage and walked into the house only expecting to see his sister up at such a late hour.

"Sarah?" he called quietly.

"In the kitchen," she responded and he dropped his bags by the door. When he walked into the kitchen, however, he saw a face he hadn't seen in a very long time.

"(Y/N)?" he frowned curiously.

"Hey Sam," you smiled, lifting a hand that was holding a mug of tea to wave at him. "It's been a while,"

He couldn't help but smile, walking over to your side while you placed your tea on the counter and gave him a big hug.

"What in the world are you doing here? I thought you moved to Australia,"

"I did, but I'm back now," you chuckled. "Seems I can't stay away from home even if I wanted to,"

Sam turned to his sister next with a playful frown on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me she was coming back?"

"I just found out today, don't look at me," she raised her hands up in defence. "Stopped by and brought us these," she lifted a box of Sam's favourite chocolates.

"Damn (N/N) I missed you," Sam laughed lightly and hugged you again.

"Oh me too Sam, me too,"

He pressed a quick friendly kiss to the side of your head before letting go once more and heading to the fridge and grabbing some leftovers to eat.

"Much in your life change aside from the whole superhero thing?" you asked and he shrugged.

"The blip fucked us up a bit, but we're working through it," he nodded. "Just trying to keep things afloat. And you?"

"I've been saving so I'm taking a few years off work to recharge. Figured it would be best to do it here,"

"Which is wonderful because now the kids have a French tutor," Sarah chuckled. "I can't help them with it for the life of me and they inherited my inability to learn languages," she trailed off with a shrug and a laugh.

"Of course, I'd love to spend more time with the boys, they've probably grown up so much since I've last seen them,"

You and Sarah continued chatting while Sam ate and when he finished Sarah decided she was going to head up to bed as she had work the next day. Sam on the other hand was still on Latvian time and wide awake, so you stayed a little longer, sitting at the small table in the kitchen with your close friend from high school.

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