Never-Ending Loneliness [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 2200

Previously titled: Mista Lonely

A/N: The only quarantine inspired thing I've written. Loneliness sucks.


Your phone buzzed violently on the wood bedside table and you sighed picking it up, wondering who it could possibly be.

"Hello?" you said, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hey (Y/N)," Steve's voice came from the other side.

"Steve! What the hell are you doing up. It's like 3 am."

"Yeah but you're in Australia. I wanted to check in on you."

"Well thanks for the call, but shouldn't you be asleep?"

"My days consist of napping and doing nothing. You also forget I'm an enhanced human. I'll be fine. What's it like down there?"

"Similar to New York. Melbourne is on lockdown and we're all in self-isolation."

"Will you be able to get back soon?"

You signed, "No, all the flights back home have been cancelled. I'll be stuck here for a while."

It was now Steve's turn to be disappointed. "You would hope that if you need to be stuck in the house you'd at least get to see your best friend."

"I know right, at least you have the gang though. Dumb international relations visit. Australia likes me! I didn't even see the point before this Corona mess."

"I'll be sure to call you every day though, so you don't feel lonely."

"Thanks, Steve, you're a sweetheart. Now go to bed I'll call you at 8 pm your time I guess that's later tonight for you."

"Okay, I'll talk to you then. If you need anything don't hesitate to call, even if it is 3 am. I'll probably be up anyway."

"Alright Steve, love you."

"Love you too,"

There was a beep on the other line then your phone shut off. You sighed and fell back on the bed of your hotel room. You just wished you knew how long this would last.

As promised you called Steve again, this time through a video chat so you could see each other. It had only been a few weeks since New York was under lockdown but you could tell he didn't trust anyone on the team with a pair of scissors.

"Steve, your hair's almost as long as it was when we were on the run." you chuckled. "Why don't you let Sam or Tony cut it?"

"Not risking it," he laughed. "You can cut it for me when you get back."

"Okay fine, you growing out the beard then too?"

"Seems to be the plan, looks better that way."

"Oh, are you talking about Cap's hair?" Tony swooped in and took the phone from Steve's hand.


"The man won't let anyone touch it!" Tony sighed, exasperated.

"Nice to see you too Tony," you laughed.

"Tower's not the same with you gone (N/N),"

"Don't remind me," you groaned and leaned further back into the couch. "I need a project to keep me busy," you concluded.

"Well Thor's taken up knitting," Tony said, flipping the camera to show you. "Bruce is baking and your good friend Cap is learning how to play an instrument!"

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