Friends Don't Dance Like This [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 5100

Previously titled: Scholarships take the life out of me

WARNINGS: few swears

A/N: I'll add the titles they have in my Google docs to give you a bit of a laugh, they rarely have anything to do with the story, but oh well. Also Coulson LIVES


"Which one Stark, you're going to have to be more specific," you turned around and crossed her arms, looking skeptically at the billionaire.

"Both of you if possible, you know, the usual end of the world stuff,"

"What is it Tony?" your older brother Phil asked.

"Yeah, didn't the end of the world already happen?"

"It did, but I find myself faced with a new problem,"

"That is," you pressed him to continue.

"Fury needs us to all stay together in a facility for a while and he wants us to have a babysitter since he doesn't trust us."

"Rightfully so might I add," Phil sighed.

"Anyways, I convinced him to let us choose which agent he sent over and the gang wanted one of you two," Tony explained. "Unanimously agreed too, that never happens."

"Well I'm on a mission as of tomorrow morning, so I'm out of the running," Phil said.

"And it's my week off starting tomorrow so thanks, but no thanks."

You started to walk off, but Tony grabbed your arm and stopped you from walking away.

"(Y/N) wait, I'll pay you. Seriously anything."

"I don't want your money Tony, I want my time off."

"Fine let me talk to Fury, if I can get you two weeks off after this week will you take it?"

You sighed, "You've got yourself a deal Stark."

"Sweet, be at the compound tonight to set up."

"Only if you keep your end of the agreement."

"Trust me Coulson I will."


As promised Tony managed to get you the extra vacation days after a small donation of a million dollars was made to a SHIELD research project. So you packed up her bag full of the essentials, including noise-cancelling headphones, because if anyone knew the Avengers there would be arguments. Many, many arguments.

Entering the compound, you were met with loud commotion and yelling and you already regretted your decision to babysit a bunch of superhuman adult-toddlers. The minute they noticed your presence they quieted down and you could only be thankful for that.

Gathered in the room were Tony, who you had seen earlier that day, Captain Steve Rogers looking like he was in a similar predicament to you and knocking back four extra-strength Advil to fight off the oncoming headache. Next to him were James Barnes and Sam Wilson and in the living room sat Peter, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Wanda.

"Sweet Mr. Stark, you managed to get Agent Coulson here,"

"Good to see you too kid," you smiled kindly at Peter who had always taken a special liking to you. "And while I have your attention can I just say I gave up my immediate vacation for a longer one so I could be here, so we're already walking a tightrope, capisce?"

The group nodded and you looked over at Steve who seemed to be eyeing the bottle of painkillers wondering if he had taken enough. "Oh and Steve, try not to overdose while you're under my care it'll look bad on my file."

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