Purpose [sister!Wanda Maximoff]

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pairings: wanda maximoff x sister!reader (platonic), bucky barnes x reader

words: 3.1K

summary: reader's purpose is to try and figure out what's going on in her sister's mind and see how she can bring her back

warnings: angst, general sadness and hurt

a/n: okay so i wrote this right after the first two episodes of wandavision came out so it's only based on that and not really the events of the entire series, but it still slaps so i hope you guys like it :) (also like i copied and pasted this from where I tumblr so it kept the small text weirddddd

"(Y/N)? Well, what in blazes are you doing here?" Wanda asked, a surprised smile on her face as she moved back allowing for you to enter the lovely quaint home.

"Is it a crime for someone to want to visit her sister?" you asked, a hand resting on your hip and you both gave a laugh. "It's been too long dear, I haven't seen you since you ran off with Vis,"

"And I haven't seen you since, well, that's quite odd I can't remember when I saw you last,"

You waved a hand dismissively as your younger sister closed the door and came up to you, allowing you to pull her into a hug.

"Never mind that," you whispered. "What are you doing? Here I mean, in whatever this little to-do town is called,"

"It's Westview," Wanda explained. "Vision and I were looking for just a quiet life, where we could be happy,"

"And are you? Are you happy Wanda?" you whispered.

Your younger sister seemed to zone out, unable to answer your question until you brought her back to the space.

"Wanda? Wanda darling? I just asked a question. Are you happy?"


"Wanda it's not that's hard," you tilted your head. "Are you?"

"I s-suppose I am," she nodded, looking at you hesitantly.

"Well good then!" you clapped your hands together and turned away from her, examining the house.

"It's dreadfully quiet in here, do you have a radio?"

Wanda shook her head.


She shook her head again.

"Goodness sakes Wanda a piano?"

Wanda pressed her lips in a thin line and scrunched her nose, shrugging and shaking her head once more.

"Well, I would have thought you were settled enough for that,"

"I guess not," she chuckled nervously.

"You'll have to get Vis to grab a radio. Speaking of, where is he?"

"At work, I'm guessing," Wanda explained. "I'll give him a ring to see if he can stop by a store and grab one,"

You nodded, making your way to the couch and picking a corner to sit on while your little sister made the call.

She then came to join you on the couch, sitting next to you and clapping her hands on her lap.

"Well," she sighed. "We know what's going on with me, how about you? Any new developments?"

"If you wrote every once in a while you'd know that your big sister's finally getting tied down," you raised a brow and showed her the ring on your left hand.

"Oh my goodness! (Y/N), congratulations!" Wanda exclaimed, examining the diamond-studded ring on your hand. "Now who managed to get you to go steady?"

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