Tulips & Violets [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 7160

Previously titled: P-O-S-H (Brownie points if you get the reference)

WARNINGS: swears, sadness, mentions of death

A/N: Okay the beginning part of this one is based on part of the first episode of Murdoch Mysteries I thought it was so cute I had to do something based on it :) Also, this has got pre and post serum Steve.


People thought they knew Steve Rogers, and they were partially right. He was angry, always really angry and if there was a personification to a rain cloud it would be him.

Then why, you wondered, did you want to care for him, so much. The small scrawny kid from Brooklyn who rarely smiled and put so many barriers up because he'd be damned if he let anyone see the pain and suffering he was in.

But each time you'd go to talk to him it would be,

"I don't need your pity (Y/N),"

"I'm not a child (Y/N),"

"I can do it myself (Y/N),"

And it was never your intention to come off in a pitiful way, you saw his fire, you wanted to push him, keep him going in the right direction, be a friendly face by his side if he needed it, but Steve wasn't one to bring anyone in.

And even more than that, it seemed as though sometimes he did things explicitly to push your buttons. Go pick a fight that normally even he wouldn't get involved in, or small things like standing up so damn straight you knew it was hurting his poor back.

Whatever the case was you certainly didn't expect to be one of the people who he decided to come to the aid of. Not with your track record.

"Just leave the poor thing alone!" you insisted, trying to pull the dog away from a group of men throwing stones at it.

"It's our dog, why'd you care?"

"Because it's a helpless animal and you're hurting it! It's not right!"

"Come on guys, leave them alone," you heard a familiar voice behind you.

Turning around you saw Steve, standing there, stick straight, hands in his pockets, just waiting to make a move on them.

"Steve you don't have to do this-,"

"I've got it (Y/N)," he interrupted you. "Now why don't you let her have the dog and go throw rocks at the trash,"

"What you gonna do about it Rogers? Fight us?" one of the larger men came up to Steve who shrugged and nodded, taking his hands out of his pockets and balling them into fists, ready to take a hit.

"Steve please don't do this, it's not worth it." you insisted.

"(Y/N) I said I've got it,"

"No you clearly don't, plant your right foot and give yourself some space to balance. And swing with your body, not just your arm, it gives you more momentum."

Steve stared at you curiously and you looked at him. If he was going to fight, better he fought properly.

He took your advice and the other man gave the first swing which Steve managed to block, giving you time to pull the dog away.

You knew he didn't stand a chance, especially not when there were three of them, but you let him go until you knew he couldn't no more.

"Just let her have the damn thing," one of the men said. "It's not worth it,"

Another one spat on Steve and you came to his side to make sure he was okay.

"Hey, can I clean you up?" you asked, helping him to stand.

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