Chapter 18: Traitor

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"What is your relationship with Izuku Midoriya?"

"I love him..." You blurted out, avoiding making eye contact with the policemen.

You felt the rooms energy tense, the officers boring their eyes into your head as you fiddled with your fingers.

Fuck. You're screwed.

"Does he love you back." The older officer asked, breaking the tense silence.

"I don't know." You answered honestly, still avoided eye contact as you felt the truth spill out of you.

"You realise this is a problem, don't you? Your feelings make us believe you're a traitor to the hero society." The detective responded, the police officers nodding in agreement.

"I'm not a traitor though.. why would I want to be kidnapped and hurt." You responded, your voice laced with malice. "I almost fucking died. You really think I want that? Jesus. How fucking stupid can you be." You burst, anger that had been trapped away finally bubbling to the surface.

"Ma'am, please calm down.." the younger officer said, stress overtaking his eyes at your sudden outburst.

"Calm down? What fucking reason do I have to be calm? You think I'm a traitor. Right. Would a traitor willingly get kidnapped, tortured, controlled, manipulated, hurt, damaged, all for the sake of being undercover? Just because I love my fucking childhood best friend does not make me a traitor." You spat, your eyes fiery with anger.

"Why did you go visit Izuku Midoriya at the prison. Security footage shows you breaking in via your quirk. What was your intention." The older officer asked, his posture never changing.

"I didn't want to visit him and break him out. Yumi did." You blurted out, smacking a hand to your mouth, eyes widening in panic.

"Now just who is this Yumi?" The officer pried.

"She's my other half. A second personality. When the league kidnapped me at the training camp, they experimented on me.. made my quirk have its own persona. I don't know how to control her, but she's pure evil." You rambled on against your will, looking away again as the anger faded into panic.

They'll lock you away for sure and throw away the key.

"Then how come she's not coming out now?" The detective asked, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head.

"The nurse gave me medicine to stop my quirk from acting up. The stuff small children use when their quirks first start appearing." You answered.

The officers nodded.

You felt a weight lift off of you, as the quirks effect disappeared.

"That's all. Thank you. You can return to school once you're up to it. The police will be keeping close eye on you though, along with the teachers of UA. You will not be permitted to leave campus unattended, whether that be another student or a teacher." The older officer spoke, glaring into your e/c eyes. "Until we find out for certain you're not a traitor."

"You literally used a fucking quirk on me! How the fuck do you not believe me!" You yelled, staring daggers into the polices eyes.

"Some quirks effects aren't strong enough." The older officer shrugged, walking off.

The younger officer followed behind, the detective taking one last glance before leaving.

You say there in shock, tears streaming down your face.

That's it, you're screwed.

You can't let Yumi have control just so you have your quirk.
But if you don't have your quirk, you can't be a hero, your dreams are pointless.

You lay back, the salty tears continuing to fall.

You felt sleep overtake you, falling into a deep black slumber.

You awoke a couple hours later, the countless eyes staring at you causing you to feel uncomfortable.

"Y/N! Thank god you're okay! You had the whole class worried!" Ururaka exclaimed, holding your hand excitedly as you awoke.

"Oh shit, didn't mean to.." you mumbled, sitting up as you looked around.

The whole class were crowded in the small hospital room, staring at you with worried and happy eyes.

"As long as you're okay, it's fine." Ida gave you a small smile.

You looked around the room, spotting Todoroki and Bakugo standing up the back of the room.

Todoroki's eyes met yours, and you felt a wave of grief and regret well up inside of you.

You asked him to help you.
But all you did was run away.

Everyone sat around conversing for a while, before the nurses came in, doing a quick check up before discharging you.

As you walked back into the dorms, you felt Aizawa and All Mights eyes staring daggers into you.

You're not a traitor.

But in everyone else's eyes you were.

"Hey, y/n. Can we talk?" Todoroki asked, walking over to you carefully, as if he was unsure you would snap at any moment.

"Yeah, of course." You responded, voice shaking.

"You're not.. what the teachers think you are, right?" He asked, eyeing you warily.

You scoffed. "Todoroki, you're my best friend. The fact you don't trust me really hurts."

Todoroki froze. "That's not- I didn't mean it like that."

"What if I was the traitor? Then what would you do." You scoffed, narrowing your eyes as you glared at the boy.

You didn't want to deal with anything at this point.

"I- I would have to tell the teachers. For the safety of the school, I suppose." Todoroki responded, his voice unsure.

"What? So our whole year together means fucking nothing to you? You'd throw away our bond like that without knowing my reasons? What a fucking great friend you are." You growled, storming off.

"Y/N! Fuck- I didn't mean it like that-"

And you slammed the door in his face.

Bakugo scoffed as Todoroki walked back into the common room.

"Dumbass." He smirked.

"Oh shut the fuck up Bakugo. As if you wouldn't do the same." Todoroki grumbled.

"No, I wouldn't. Actions have reasons. You're just thick skulled." Bakugo grinned.

Todoroki snarled, freezing the ground beneath Bakugo.

"Oh, so you wanna fight? Let's fucking go then."

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