Chapter 50: School again

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Everything felt so surreal, being back here again.

But it was great.
They gave our class, formerly known as 1A, now 2B, Aizawa again, as they felt it was appropriate due to all the shit we went through.

That, and at this point Aizawa was a father figure to me.
Of course I had my actual dad, but he was always working.
Aizawa helped me to readjust back at school this year.
He also helped train me every day after school, in payment of me taking care of Eri during my free periods daily.

It was second week already, as I waited in the training areas for Aizawa to appear.

I felt someone appear behind me, as I quickly turned, pulling a shadow up from the ground, knocking the newcomer to the ground.

"I was just coming to say hi.. fuck Y/N that really hurt." The person groaned, as I looked at him.

"Oh Katsuki.. I am so sorry." I chuckled awkwardly, offering out a hand.
He took it and stood up, rubbing his neck.
"That hurt. You're getting scarily strong." He grumbled.

I walked around behind him, looking at his neck.
"I bruised you. I'm so sorry. Are your shoulders okay?" I asked, as I placed a hand in between his collar bones and the crook of his neck, pushing down.

"They're fine." He half grumbled, but he didn't force me off.
"How are things with you and Midoriya?" He asked, as I moved back around to face him.
"They're fine, I think. I don't know, I haven't seen him since school started." I explained with a sigh, looking down at my feet.

Bakugo hesitated, before he grabbed my hand in his, flipping it over.
"You're overworking your quirk, Y/N." He commented, noticing the outlines of black patches along my skin.
"I could say the same about you." I scoffed, noticing the red around his wrists as he shrugged.

"Ah well. Have to learn somehow. How come you're out here?" He asked.
"I'm waiting for Aizawa. I'm making up on all the training I lost." I explained briefly, glancing around desperately.

"Well... me and you could spar like the old times? Except I will definitely beat you now." Bakugo grinned.
"Is that so?" I mused, stepping back away from him.

"Give me your best, Kacchan." I chuckled.

"I told you I don't like being called that! Geez, Y/N" Bakugo scoffed, as we stood on the beach, a few metres apart.
I shrugged, laughing slightly.
"Well, you're gonna have to make me be quiet." I laughed.

He came running at me almost instantly, knocking me to the ground, as sand seeped into my clothes.
I grunted, pushing him up and off, as I pulled his shadow up, wrapping him tight.

"Kacchan the sun is setting. I have the upper hand here." I smiled.
He rolled his eyes, blasting the shadow off.
"My explosions are too bright for your little shadows. So actually I do." He grinned back, as he ran at me again.

He pushed me to the floor with ease, placing either hand on either side of my head, as me and him were a panting mess.

"I win." He grinned, as he sat above me.
"Well this is an odd sense of deja vu." I chuckled nervously, watching his face.
Unreadable emotions flickered all over, before he started to lean in.

"Bakugo." I said sharply, as he tilted his head.


"What are you doing?"
His face flushed pink, if only for a second, before he rolled off of me.

"I thought it was appropriate." He shrugged sadly.

"Bakugo.. I didn't have an answer for you that night, but I do now." I said, letting out a sigh.
I really didn't want to have to do this.
"I don't see you as anything more than a friend. You're my childhood best friend and I don't know if I could see you as anything else. I'm so sorry."

Bakugo went silent, so I turned to look at him.
He just nodded.
"That was expected. Can't say I'm not angry though, but it's not your fault. No one can force emotions onto someone, I've learnt that."

He helped me up, staring desperately into my eyes.
"This doesn't mean I've given up. As soon as Midoriya takes one step out of line, I'm going to come get you. Alright?"

I just laughed dryly. "You are the same old Bakugo as ever. I admire you for that."

He grinned. "Of course I am. But I won again."

I rolled my eyes.
"I was barely trying. If I went full out, you would be a mushy pancake." I poked out my tongue.
"Well, I wait for the day where you smash me into one." He smirked, before he looked behind me.

"Mr Aizawa." He said curtly, nodding in respect before he nodded at me, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked off.

"Are you finally hanging out with someone more responsible? Well, I wouldn't say he's responsible but he has zero criminal record." Aizawa pointed out, as he stood in front of me.

"I haven't even spoken to Midoriya in two weeks. You heard the whole story as well, so what's the problem?" I asked, my voice almost a sneer.
"He was still conscious when he made his decisions, Y/N. Unlike you. Which is why I don't agree with you still talking to Midoriya."
"Well, if anything bad happens I'll say you were right. For now, everything is fine. Shall we train?" I asked.

I was honestly getting irritated at this constant backlash.
What is happening between me and Midoriya is between me and him, and people constantly asking questions and pressuring me is enraging.

Aizawa nodded, as he unlocked the gate to the training area, as we began fighting.

But as always he won. Of course he did.
Wasn't exactly the easiest to fight someone who not only had years of experience on you, but was able to stop your ability in the blink of an eye.

At the end of the session, he clicked the pen back onto his clipboard.

"Well, Y/N, you sure are catching up. When we get to the internships, make sure you choose a hero agency that will help you with physical strength, not just by your quirk. You've already gotten a lot of requests, as every hero wants to have you due to your spotty background." He explained.

"How are my grades catching up for last year?" I asked, as we left the training room.

"After the next few tests in class, I think I'll be able to officially say you didn't fail."

"Thank you so much for all of this." I said, nodding my head in respect. "Thank you for letting me come back to school, and for standing up for me in my trial."

Aizawa shrugged.
"Hey kid, you did what you had to. I'm glad you're back."

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