Chapter 3: The attack

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There he was, standing high on th dorm buildings, Toga and Dabi at his side. Izuku Midoriya, stood with our enemies, laughing down at us. Then the fight began.

~1 hour earlier~
"The practicals are tomorrow, so we'll use this class as a study session" Aizawa stated, before zipping his yellow sleeping bag back up and falling asleep on the classrooms floor. I grabbed my workbook and started reading through my notes when Bakugo's hand slammed down on my table. "Hey fuck face, help me study" He yelled, aggressive as always. I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "No". "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!?" Mini explosions came off his hands. I didn't find his cocky attitude threatening. Ice suddenly covered his whole arm, and I saw Todoroki looking at him. "Go study yourself dumbass, you're always claiming your smart enough anyway" Todoroki said, then turned to look down at me. "[y/n] are you okay?" He asked, worry clouded his expression. I punched his arm. "Your such a softy, yeah I'm fine" I smiled, then turned back to my work.

Then the school alarms went off. I stared out the window, eyes widening. How the hell did a villain get into the school. I felt my arm get grabbed. "Come on, we have to get going" Todoroki pulled on my arm, making me stumble out my seat. I quickly shoved my books back in my bag, as I was dragged from my seat. Students hurried through the hallways, elbows shoving into each other. I felt Todorokis hand slip off my arm in the wave of students. Everyone was screaming. Fear pulsated through everyone's hearts.

Then Iida jumped up on top of the door, his body slammed like an exit sign. "It's just the press, no villains have entered the school. Everyone needs to calm down" His voice boomed through the hall. Everyone slowed their paces, and went back to the classroom, like nothing happened. I found Todoroki again, and gripped his arm. "How in the world did the press break down the gate?" I murmured, mostly to myself. Todoroki looked down. "I don't know, but I don't think it was just the press".
The bell rang loud, telling us the day was over. I sighed in relief. I was seriously drained. Battle training was so tiring from before. The whole class waded through the halls, and down to the gates. Suddenly we stopped moving as we got to the dorms. Figures stood on the roof, staring and laughing down. I noticed the boy with crazy green hair and freckles. He started laughing at us, like we were insects.

~Back to the present~
"Hello my fellow classmates, remember me~" Midoriya cooed, Dabi and Toga standing next to him like old buddies. Kaminari turned to run, a huge purple smoke-like mass blocking the exit. "We have some business to deal with first, and it would be more preferable if the whole class 1A is present" The smoke said, name Kurogiri. I gripped Todorokis arm tighter to steady myself. I felt sick. He looked down and just said "Don't worry, Aizawa will be here soon". The familiar crusty voice clouded my thoughts. Shigiraki. That basturd.

"You see, there's someone in particular we're looking for, and if they came peacefully we won't attack the rest of you" he announced, an ear to ear grin covering the most of his face. I heard thumps behind me as Dabi, Toga and Izuku hopped down from the dorms. "[y/n]~" Izuku cooed mockingly, as he saw me staring at him. "I came back for you, aren't you happy? Now, would you like to join me back at the league?" I couldn't believe his words. Why in the world would I join him, especially villains of all sorts.

"N-no Deku, I'd rather not..". His expression changed, his pupils shrunk. He looked at me, wild eyed and insane. Then all of a sudden he was next to me. "Don't make this harder, or your friends here will get hurt". I gulped. Todoroki grabbed me and jumped back, a sudden blue flame erupting at the side of us. I pulled up Todorokis shadow to create an ice wall, which help stopped the flame from hitting us. Shigiraki glared my way. "Compress, that's her" he said, voice bored as hell. Compress jumped at me, and I kicked him back against the wall with a shadow.

"My, you've gotten quite strong~" Izuku said in my ear, a knife held at my jugular. "Now come my dear, or this'll be painful." He stabbed a knife into my side, making me double over in pain. I felt my body go limp, my strength fading. "What did you do to her" Todoroki hisses through his teeth angrily. My vision blurred as I tried to stand up. "Just a simple sleep drug, nothing more, nothing less" Izuku replied, throwing me over his shoulder. The world faded, the stinging at my side barely noticeable over the screams of my friends. "We're done here, come on" Shigiraki mentioned, jumping through the wispy portal. Izuku nodded, and walked through. The last thing I saw was my classmates faces, tears streaming down their red cheeks.

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