Chapter 34: How do I clear a killers name?

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"I need to clear my name- you've seen Deku- the clone of me, right? I'm assuming that's who attacked Y/N this morning." Midoriya asked.

"Yeah we have.. how does that help?" Todoroki asked.
"You're a witness to the fact there is two of me- he's the criminal. As well as that, the transfer to split us- me from him, Y/N from Yumi, didn't work. You need to let us go back and finish it. Then Deku will leave us alone." Midoriya explained.

"See the problem is Y/N is being watched like a hawk- we can't just let her leave." Todoroki sighed.
"That's why I have a crazy idea.. we might need to ask Toga for help.." Midoriya whispered.
"No way. There's no fucking way I'm working with that psycho." Bakugou growled.

"Well, then Deku is going to come, and he's going to kill someone. He doesn't need me or Y/N alive for the transfer, so he'd happy kill her." Midoriya said, glancing at them with dead eyes.
Why wouldn't they listen.

"If you can get Toga to stay in line, then yes. If not, we're not doing it." Todoroki said.

"I still have contact with Yumi. She'll be willing to help." Midoriya said. "That would be if I had my phone- which is at the jail.." He grumbled.

"Do you remember her phone number?" Ururaka asked, holding her phone out for him to use.

"No.. Y/N might have it. But I'm assuming her phone is monitored.. call her, then ask her to give the numbers in sentences. Ask her for the shadows contact. She'll understand." Midoriya said, pushing Ururaka's phone back towards her.

"Okay.." Uruaraka mumbled, dialling Y/N.

*incoming call from Ururaka*

"Huh..?" I said, answering almost instantly.
"Is everything okay??" I asked.

"Yeah.. we need your help- me and the boys.. we need the shadows number." She asked.

"Well, you see, my phone has been wiped.. wait give me a second!" I exclaimed, closing my eyes.

Yumi if you can hear me, what's your number.

She sat, head against the cold grey-white wood.

Y/N.. the number is xxxx-xxxx-xx.. if you need me you can just talk to me this way.

Yumi, I think Midoriya needs you, that's why. I can't contact you via phone anyway, I'm practically under arrest.

I could feel Yumi chuckling.

"Well, it's.." I said, rambling on.

Every time I mentioned a number, Midoriya took note, finally ending up with a string of ten numbers.

"Thank you Y/N!" Ururaka beamed.

"No problem!"

Then the phone line went dead.
"I'll get in contact with Toga- actually I'm sorry Ururaka can I use your phone." Midoriya sighed.

She handed it right back over, as Midoriya dialled her number.
"Hi..?" Toga said warily.
"Toga it's me Midoriya- I know you probably shouldn't be talking to me, as I would imagine he ordered, but please just listen, I need your help. It's the only way me and Y/N can come finish this transfer." Midoriya started.

"Of course is help you, Izuku!! How can I help?"

"I need you to become Y/N for a bit. Not today, we'll do our plan tomorrow. I'll get some of her blood.
We'll transfer you and her by using her quirk. If heroes come question you, you'll have to just not say anything suspicious. I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow, okay? Let's meet at the old base." Midoriya instructed.

"Of course! See you then~" she cooed.

"Thank you, Ururaka. Once this whole transfer is done, we'll clear my name. I'm going to need the whole class to be on my side, though. The more witnesses, the better." Midoriya explained, as he handed Ururakas phone back to her.

"I'll ask Iida and Momo to start dealing with that." Todoroki nodded.
"I'll go tell Y/N the plan. The microphones have a weak spot, you see. As long as I'm quiet, I'm fine." Bakugou said with a slight smirk.
"You, quiet?" Todoroki scoffed, causing a chuckle from Ururaka.
"The hell did you say icy hot!?" He yelled, yellow-orange explosions banging off his hands like tiny fireworks.

"I'll be back here tomorrow, same time." Midoriya said, before green electrical sparks covered his body, as he jumped off.

Deku watched from the bushes, his mouth in a thin line.
He could let them go along with their plan.
But that really is no fun, is it?

"Overhaul, surely we can come to a deal. I'll pay you dearly for it." Deku grinned.
"I need to know what task me and my team are up to, first." He said, eyeing Deku over his plague mask.

"We're going to attack a school. U.A in particular. They're holding someone important to me hostage. If I can't get them back, their is going to be a lot more problems coming their way, and if you disagree, your way." He said, smile fading.

"Well, how many of my team will you need?" Overhaul asked.
"As many of your most powerful men you can give me. I need them tomorrow." Deku explained.

"The price is doubled, then. I don't like short notice." Overhaul grumbled.

"Fine. That's fine." Deku said.
"So do we have a deal then?"

"Yes, we do." Overhaul said.
"I'll be back tomorrow." Deku said, standing up.
"Escort him out." Overhaul shooed, as one of his accomplices walked Deku out the door.

He hated having to beg for help, but it was necessary.
Eraserhead and Midnight posed a big threat.
So to nullify them, he needed an equal sized crowd.
It all made sense, really.

Yumi didn't know, and she wouldn't know.
Deku knew she would be angry, so he would keep it secret.

Honestly, he shouldn't of.

Him being secretive only caused a string of events, bad events.

Blood was spilled, and it will be spilt.

Let's see what tomorrow holds.

Bakugou told me the whole plan, and just from that, I knew Deku was coming.
It would be a fight between the two of them.
The two of the same.

But yet both so different.

Hell was about to break loose.
All I was going to be able to do is watch.

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