Chapter 29: Well, the heroes are annoying

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I turned, looking to see Deku manning the hallway.

"What's with the expression? I'm not going to hurt you- Y/N, anyway, since you have a precious part of Yumi in you. Midoriya, I'd happily cut you to shreds. I hate you." He hissed.
"Look, let's just calm down here- there's no need to be violent." I said, pushing Midoriya behind me.

"Says who? I'm a villain, and you two are heroes." Deku stated, glaring us down.

"Who says we are? Just let us leave." I said slowly.
"No, I don't want to."
"Why not?"
"You'll make Yumi upset. I need part of you anyway to get her back. She's all sensitive and shit, it's disgusting." He scoffed.
"That's just called being a real person." I said, looking briskly around the room for an escape route.

"She was never like this before." He grumbled.
"Well she is now. Maybe because she has her own body, she's more proud of what she is, of who she is, so she can show those emotions that were buried so deep before." I explained.

"That's utter bullshit." Deku growled.
"Take it as you want, but that's what she believes. She told me." I said, half a smile twisting at the edge of my lip.

"Did she now?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm. Me and her can't ever be fully separated- we share so many similar traits, that you just didn't pick out on until now. Now let us leave, and we'll come back later to try fix the transfer. The schools going to break down the door and attack everyone at anytime now, and I'd rather not be included in that again." I said, standing up.
Midoriya stood behind me.

I walked up to the door.
Deku moved out of the way.

But as Midoriya was going to pass through, he blocked the exit.
"Why should I let you go, you copycat." He hissed.

"Without me, you wouldn't exist. So move it." Midoriya said, glaring him down.
Deku didn't budge.

So Midoriya punched him, sending him into the room.

"Bye~" Midoriya waved, running to catch up with me.

"Fuck you, Izuku." Deku groaned, sitting up painfully.

"If you want a war, a war is what you will get. Next time I'll make sure you stay dead." He hissed.

I ran through the halls, Midoriya at my heel, before we reached the door.
"The rest of the villains will probably be out here- I'll travel us out of here." I said.
"Wait, where are we even going?" I questioned.

"Uhm.." Midoriya's face went blank.
We just stood there awkwardly, before a lightbulb sparked in my head.
"Well, we can't go to the school.. let's go to my house. My parents are probably at work." I said.

"Isn't that risky??" He asked.

"What's the point of living without a bit of danger." I shrugged, opening the floor below us.
It swallowed us whole, opening back up to my bedroom.

The bed was neatly made, coated in fine silver dust.

The house was ghostly quiet, my clothes all neatly packed in the closet.
Everything had been packed away neatly.
It was like I was dead.

"I definitely did not leave my room like this." I blinked.
"You would not be this clean, so I agree." Midoriya chuckled.
I heard shuffling from downstairs.
We froze.
"I think they are here.. shit." I whispered.
"What do we do??" Midoriya whispered.

"I'll go try have a conversation with them.." I said, opening my door slightly.

Only to see Aizawa in my living room, talking with my Mother.
I closed the door, looking to Midoriya.
"Izuku.. it's Mr Aizawa.."

"Things are just getting worse, aren't they?" He sighed.
I peaked out again.
Aizawa's eyes met mine.

"Excuse me, Mrs L/N, I think I saw something."

Within a second, Aizawa was up the stairs, flinging the door open.
I stood with Midoriya behind me, frozen, stunned.

"Y/N.." He said.
I went to move, and his scarf was wrapped around me, pulling me close.
"Don't make this difficult. Midoriya, please come without force. Otherwise I'll have to resort to fighting you." He said, glaring him down.

"Midoriya.." I whispered.
Aizawa glanced at me from the side.
"Y/N, don't tell him to run. Otherwise his charges will be even heavier. He's already looking at a life in jail." Aizawa explained.

He grabbed his phone out, sending a quick message:

Midnight was in my room in a second.
She looked at me with sad eyes, before turning to Midoriya.
"Sleep now, okay?" She asked, pulling at her clothing.
Aizawa covered his own mouth, leaving me and Midoriya to succumb to the sweet aroma, falling into a deep slumber.

When I awoke, I was in chains.
My hands were cuffed, and my ankles were cuffed together.
My quirk didn't work.
The room was dark.
There were no windows.
Just a dim lightbulb with a pale yellow glow.

"Hello?!" I called out, trying to stand up.
The restraints weighed me down.
"AIZAWA!" I yelled, feeling panic overtake my senses.

This wasn't good, not at all.
They were going to hurt Midoriya, for things he didn't even do.

I dragged myself to the door, where a thick, opaque white glass one appeared.
Lifting my hand, I banged on it.
Three times.


I gave up, laying on the cold floor.
I curled up, feeling sobs break through my chest.
Why couldn't everything be simple.

Like in the past.

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