Chapter 39: Tragedy and Loss

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A/N Well, in remembrance, of our dearest Yumi, I present to you Yumi!!

-look at the photo :>-
It's not letting me add it in here for some reason so 🙄

I drew it so honestly it's quite bad 😅😅 I do hope this helps you know what kind of person she is! I was going to draw her, uh, dead, but I think that's just mean!
The markings are from her quirk, and it was in her original design, I just forgot to mention it!
But there you go!
Now enjoy the chapter my lovelies!


The police called in ambulances, and as I saw Todoroki get rushed away, my breath caught in my throat.
His skin was painted scarlet, in deep wounds, one's that would definitely leave scars. His nose was crooked, and his face was covered in bruises, lip split and swelling.
He was unconscious, as they placed an oxygen mask over his face.

Bakugou was walking with a paramedic, refusing the help of a stretcher.
I pushed myself from Midoriya, running over to him.
I engulfed Bakugou in a gentle hug.
"Good thing you're okay, you idiot." I chuckled.
"Why be worried? Of course I am, dumbass. Glad you're okay too." He said, ruffling my hair before wincing, as the paramedic pulled him off me, to whisk him away in an ambulance, to treat the swelling and bleeding of his limbs.

An ambulance also took Yumi and Deku away, but under my asking to keep them together.
They died together, and they should stay together.

I also requested an autopsy, which I knew they would do anyway.
The bodies were fake, created.
But I needed to know what Deku meant, by their children.

Did Yumi hide something from me?

The police managed to catch most of the underlings of the Yakuza, Overhauls group of thugs.
The league of villains was unfound.

None of the heroes were killed, most just injured. Everyone was accounted for, and no one was missing.

The only casualties was Deku and Yumi.

Midoriya had to go back to the police for questioning, before they would even consider his new application into a hero school, due to his muffled past.
But due to the death of his counterpart, it was more likely they would take him in now.

I was also taken in for questioning, due to my obvious close relation to Yumi, and the fact I had witnessed the death.
Having to explain it made me cry, her smile always replaying in my head.
It was so sad. It always had been.

She was never happy.
She just played the part.
She knew her only goal in life was to control the villain Shigaraki had made, and not to be a friend, a sister, a mother, a lover.
A villain. That was all.

She knew that, but she avoided the very thought.
But in the end she had to face it.
She also knew her sacrifice would be the only thing to save me, and to balance out this cruel fate me and Midoriya had been twisted into.

"So what happened with the villian known as Deku?" Another officer asked.
"He slit his own throat after his partner had killed herself, with a blade coated in an anti-quirk drug." I explained, almost robotically.
No one cared about Yumi.
It was joyous in the hero community, as one of the arch villains had died.
No one talked about his girlfriend and her sacrifice.

My phone rang, and I excused myself from the officer to pick it up.

"Hello Miss Y/N, we have results from the autopsy. Would you like to come look at the results, as you are her only living relative?" A lady asked.

"I know how she died, but, I need to know. Did she kill herself and a child..." I asked slowly.
The lady paused.

"Yumi was indeed pregnant."

My heart shattered at that.
She was?
So she killed herself, and Deku's child, to save my future.
Since she knew she didn't have one herself.

"How much in?" I asked.

"From what we can tell, not that far in. The child was not yet conscious, nor was the gender able to be identified." The lady answered.
"I see.. thank you." I said, lowering the phone.

"There is one other thing I wanted to tell you. Her flesh is very, weird. Due to her quirk, everything's healed. She's deceased, but nothing has began to, decompose. So in a way she is still alive. In a deep sleep if you must. So before we cremate her or bury the body, we need your consent to inject a drug into her veins, to put her, to sleep for good." The lady explained.

All I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my ears.
"Would that save her child?" I asked.

"It depends. I'm not sure how far the quirk goes, though." The lady responded.

"I- I'll call you back then. I need to go talk to some other people, her friends if you must." I said quickly.

"Of course. Take your time." The lady said, before I hung up on her.

I still had more interrogations, but I didn't care.
I ran to the end of the police station where Midoriya was kept, knocking and checking every other office, before finally finding the one another officer was interrogating Midoriya in.

"Hello officer- can I have a moment with Midoriya?" I asked.
"I'm sorry I can't leave you alone with him Miss. I'm sure you understand." The officer smiled awkwardly.

"He's my boyfriend, so yes, you can leave me alone with him." I scoffed.
The officer just sighed.
"If I get fired it's your fault."
With that he left me and Midoriya alone.

I sat where the officer just sat moments before, looking to Midoriya.

"The morgue called." I started.

"Well?" Midoriya asked.

"Yumi- she was pregnant. She's such an idiot." I chuckled weakly, feeling myself choke back sobs that began to tremble through my body.

"That's why Deku was talking about a child.." Midoriya whispered, looking down.

"The lady also told me something else. Our quirk- her quirk- it's healed her. All the marks from the autopsy has vanished. She's alive, basically, but in a deep sleep sort of trance, I suppose. She asked me if I wanted to put her to sleep forever.." I said, eyes trailing down to my hands.

"We can't can we? She's pregnant!?" Midoriya started.
"She didn't want to live anymore.. wouldn't it just be cruel? Bringing her back after everything. I'm conflicted, Izuku. I don't know what to do!" I half yelled, tears pouring down.

"If we bring her back, Shigaraki will hunt her down and kill her anyway." I said.
"Why don't we hide her?" Midoriya asked.
"She doesn't want to live! It's cruel, Izuku!"

Leave me, please. The child is nothing but a reminder of a life I could never have, okay?

Let them end my suffering.

My ears perked up.

"Yumi?" I exclaimed.

I'm in your head, silly.

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