Chapter 11: Pain

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The blood continued spilling from the wound in their chest, blood bubbling from their mouth.

Deku tilted his head down and looked at the body.

In an instant his pupils grew wide again, and he stared shocked at the body, tears spilling down his face.

"I- I didn't-"

Y/N lay unmoving, barely conscious.
She couldn't heal anymore.

She let the pain take her away.

"You... you monster!" Todoroki yelled at his old friend, pulling Y/N into an embrace, tears finally spilling down his face.

Bakugou sat there frozen, his expression threatening to cry. He had to stay tough.

He wanted to tell Y/N he loved her.

Now, because of that broccoli-headed nerd, he couldn't.

"Sh-Shoto... h-has anyone e-ever told you how h-handsome you are?" Y/N giggled, moving her hand weakly to stroke Todoroki's cheek.

His tears slipped down in waterfalls, droplets spilling onto Y/N's paling face.
Deku just sat there, his heart aching, his head pounding.

He had killed Y/N.

A part of him always wanted that.

The other part was distraught.

"Deku.." Bakugou began. Deku looked up at his old friend in fright. "As if kidnapping her, torturing her wasn't bad enough, you decided to fucking shoot her. I don't care if you're being manipulated, but after all this time, you will never be a hero." Bakugou snarled, stepping over the blood on the floor.

Deku looked down at his hands.

"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you, you damn nerd!" Bakugou growled, kicking Deku in the face.

Y/N sat in a daze. The world was a blur. Everything was turning quiet.

Her chest hurt.

Really bad.

I felt the bullet penetrate my skin.
It fucking hurt.

I couldn't move, breathing hurt. Moving hurt.
All I could do was stare, and not think about the pain.
Shigaraki had pushed me to my limit earlier.
I couldn't heal.

The world was blurred. I felt myself being gently pulled into someone's arms.
I looked up and could see the distorted features of Todoroki. Ah, he was so cute. I giggled.

The pain stung my chest again.

And again.

I felt a river of warm liquid run down from my chest.
I tilted my head painfully, and saw blurs of red spilling from my body.

"That's a lot of blood-" I mumbled, feeling queasy.

"Hey, hey, look at me. Everything will be okay.." Todoroki spoke gently to me.

His voice was so soothing.

I'm sorry...

I closed my eyes, and felt my pulse slow to a stop.

3rd person POV
Todoroki held his arms around Y/N's body. All of a sudden it went limp in his arms.
He felt for breathing.


He felt for a pulse.


"Bakugou.. w-we lost her.." Todoroki stammered.

"Not yet we haven't, half-n-half. We need to get her to a hospital. I'm certain someone can save her. Be a shit hospital if they couldn't." Bakugou spoke confidently.

On the inside, he was broken.

Todoroki nodded, got up with Y/N in his arms, and walked out miserably.

Aizawa saw the limp Y/N. He got the message.

"Everyone! Time to retreat!!" He yelled out.

The pro heroes all began running off.

Bakugou came out of the back room, carrying a beat up and unconscious Deku in his hands.

Todoroki didn't bother holding back his tears.

The pros and students all left the building.

They moved to a nearby agency, and called for the emergency services to come help.

Not too long later, an ambulance came and took Y/N away.

At that point, seeing her pale lifeless body, the tears finally rolled down the usually heartless Katsuki Bakugou.

1 month later
Todoroki lay in his bed, his heart aching with fear.

The last trip to the hospital gave him news he never thought he wanted to hear.

"She's in a stable enough condition, but sadly, Y/N may never wake up."

Hearing those words made Todoroki despair even greater. He never got the courage to tell her how he felt.

Deku never spoke to the police.
He just let them arrest them.

His only message being, "I won't talk until she's up."

At this point this seemed unlikely.

Impossible even.

Bakugou's usually icy cold charade became even worse after he heard of Y/N's condition.

He began yelling at everything, and distanced himself further from the others than he ever did before.

His classmates were deeply worried.

But they were all sad themselves.

They despaired over their classmate Y/N in their own ways.

Kirishima read over the old text conversations he had with Y/N.

Denki short-circuited whenever he found the others sad, to help them cope, while deep inside feeling the same sadness they did.

Ururaka began wearing the jewellery Y/N had kindly given to her, which she refused to do before hand.

Shinso began to hang out with class 1A, since Y/N always suggested he should.

Ida began to be less strict on everyone, since she always used to complain about how he acted.

Y/N had left a bigger mark on this class than she knew.

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