Chapter 23: Freckled Saviour

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Then I stopped, as I came face to face with an emerald-eyed boy, his freckles littered across his face.


My heart raced. He was so familiar.. but yet so distant.. like a memory trapped under water, distorted and blurred in such a way you can't tell what it is anymore.

"Who are you.. do I know you?" I asked, taking a step back.
I could sense the edge of the rooftop nearing, but I didn't care.

My eyes were on him.
"Y/N.. it's me, Deku.. Midoriya, Izuku..." He said, taking a small step forward.
I stepped back again.

That's right... Yumi told me.. green hair, freckles.. thats Deku.

"What are you doing here.." I asked.

"I came to help you. You need to go back to U.A. What did Dabi do to you?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Dabi? I- I don't know.." I said, stepping backwards again.

"Y/N.. stop moving backwards, you'll fall. I'm not here to hurt you. Come on, come here, I'll take you home." He said gently.

I stepped back again. "But I don't know you.. how can I trust you..." I said, heart racing.

"Y/N, just ask Yumi." He said.

"How do you know about her." I asked, stepping back again.

"Y/N, we're friends, remember? Come on, you have to remember something." He asked, stepping closer.

"No.. I don't remember anything.." I said, stepping back again.
Quit being an idiot, Y/N, he's telling you the truth. As much as I hate him like this he is our friend. Yumi growled.

"What do you mean like this.." I murmured.

He's got a split personality, Y/N. You prefer this side, I prefer his other side.

"Ah.." I said, stepping back again.
"Y/N you're going to fall." Midoriya said, stepping forward.
"I know.. I just want to check something." I said, stepping backwards.

Then I fell off the building.
The wind slapped against my face, the traffic a muted blur.
Then there was a green flash, and then I was back on the roof, in his arms.

"Y/N, really? You could've gotten hurt." He said, turning me to face him.
"Well, I know I can trust you now." I said.

My head began to ache, flashes of colour, images.. no, memories, floating through my head.

They were blurry, but I could still make a few things out..

"I think Dabi erased my memories, or at the very least locked them away. I don't know who anyone is.." I said, after a long silence.

"Oh.. he used that... alright, Y/N... the only way to break the drug is to.. uh.. kiss someone who you love.. cliche I know. But the problem is.. I have no idea who that is. Could be Todoroki, Kacchan, or me, or any of the other students." He explained.

"Well shit.. uhm.. take me back to the dorms.. I'll figure it out from there.." I said.

"They'll take you in for questioning.. tell them you were drugged." He said, lifting me onto his back, activating his quirk and running across the buildings.

"Alright.. but I'm assuming I don't mention you..." I said.
"Don't even think about me. Once your memories are regained, we'll figure out a plan of action. You also need that kiss." He said, jumping from building to building as he reached the edge of U.A.

"See me on the roof of the dorms in two days then." I whispered, hopping down, my body being absorbed by the shadows as Yumi helped me move up the hill, and in front of the school.

"It's Y/N!! Look!!" I heard someone yell. I turned to see a red-headed boy run towards me, a blonde spiky-haired boy at his side.

"Uh.. hi?" I said, stepping back instinctively.

The boys froze.
"Y/N, you okay?" The red-head asked, stepping closer.

"Uhm, can you tell me who you are?" I asked.

He looked at me, genuinely confused, before smiling gently.

"My names Ejiro Kirishima. This guy beside me's Katsuki Bakugo. Let's head back to the dorms, then we'll ask you about a few things, okay?" He said.

Ah, Kirishima and Bakugo. It's okay, you can trust them. They're classmates. I've told you about Bakugo before. I'm almost certain he has feelings for you. I'm not sure about your feelings in return though.

I nodded, walking after him into the dorms.

A half-white, half-red haired boy wrapped me in his embrace as I entered.

"Y/N, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He started questioning.

"I'm fine.... Todoroki?" I half questioned.
He just stood there partially confused. "Yeah.. that's me."

"Sorry.. my heads a little hazy.." I said.

Kirishima ushered me over to the couch, which I happily took and sat down.

A few other people were littered around the common room, sending glances my way.

Bakugo handed me a cup of coffee.

"So.. what happened Y/N?"

So I told them everything, avoiding mentioning Midoriya.

"I was drugged by Dabi.. it erased my memories of sorts.. everything's really hazy... I'm not too sure how to reverse it.. I think it's based around emotions though.. if I feel a strong sense of some emotions things begin to fill in the hazy gaps.. something told me to come here, so I did.." I explained.

"Ah.. well, we're all your friends here." A yellow-haired boy smiled.

I smiled back, flashes of electricity flickering through my head.

"Kaminari?" I asked.

"Correct!! Good job." He winked.

I giggled slightly, before I placed my half-drunken coffee down.

"I'm exhausted.. I'm gonna go sleep.. I don't think I'm going to be kidnapped again, don't worry." I said, standing up, before freezing.

"Uh.. where's my room?" I asked awkwardly.

The class stifled a laugh, before a girl walked towards me.

"I'll show you. My names Jiro by the way."


I got to my room, closing the door and laying down onto my bed.

So, it seems there's three boys I could've loved.

They were the most visible in my blurred memories.

Katsuki Bakugo

Shoto Todoroki

and of course, Izuku Midoriya.

I have no idea which one, though.

I can't just go around kissing them individually.

Although, Yumi did say Bakugo had feelings for me...

Well, guess first to tick off the list we'll try Bakugo....

A/N I'm so sorry for not posting, I've been really busy :(
I'll try post as often as I can, once again I'm so sorry for the late posts!

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