Chapter 32: Ex Number One Hero

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"All for one?" Midoriya asked, as he looked up through the iron bars.
At what was his main enemy.

What still was, his main enemy.
All for one destroyed his and Y/N's life.
"It's you." All for one grumbled.

"I should be the one saying that." Midoriya scoffed.
"Poor little hero. You've ended up all by yourself in such a scary place." AFO chuckled.
"All because of you. It's all your fault." Midoriya hissed.
"Ah, I made you stronger. You know that." AFO said sternly.
"After you destroyed my life."
"Don't be dramatic. Why did you break in here. If the guards catch you, you'll be punished~" he laughed.
"Well, because I assumed whoever behind here could help make a distraction for me. But you're as useless as a baby. You gave your quirk to Shigaraki. You've got no strength." Midoriya chuckled.
"That's where I'd have to say you are wrong. I gave most of my quirk to him! Not the whole thing. I still have power. Let's do a deal then, shall we? I help get you out of here, and you deliver Tomura this." AFO said, passing a small metal canister through the bars.

"What is it?" Midoriya asked.
"It's nothing important to you." AFO snapped.
"So do we have a deal?" He asked.

Midoriya paused.
He could be bringing doom to the whole world by helping All For One.
Although, it means he would be able to escape.
"Sure, we've got a deal." Midoriya responded.

"When I cause a scene tomorrow, come in here, there's a grate behind me in the cell. It's big enough for you to squeeze through. It'll lead you to the jetty. Take a boat and head West. Then you'll be back." AFO explained.
Midoriya nodded, before rushing out of the cell, shoving the silver canister up his sleeve.

"All Might??" Todoroki questioned.
"Yes, All Might.. I need to talk to him about something." I said, sitting up.

"That can be arranged. We'll be moving you back to the dorms. But, you'll be rooming with classmates of your choice. We didn't want to choose for you." Midnight explained.
"Can't I just room with these two gentlemen?" I asked.
"Uh, Y/N, we don't.. exactly get along." Todorki muttered.

"Then let me get caught again. You're the ones watching me like bodyguards all the time." I said, rolling my eyes.

"As long as you're comfortable sleeping with boys, it can be arranged." Midnight said.
I looked to her arm.
There was a long gash down the side of it.

"Midnight, please, get your arm healed. It's my fault you got hurt." I said, looking away.

"It's nobodies fault, alright? This will all be sorted out soon. I'll go arrange for your meeting with All Might."

Hours pass, as I'm moved into the dorms once more.
Except, this room is a lot bigger.
Anti-quirk metal is lining the walls, stopping Yumi from coming in.

Within the next hour, All Might and Midnight arrive.
I'm alone in the room, Bakugou and Todoroki off in class, promising to tell me what happens.

"He's all yours, Y/N." Midnight said, leaving me and All Might alone.

"So, L/N, why did you want to see me?" All Might questioned. "I'm not exactly that amazing anymore."

"You can help me get Midoriya out. He's been wrongly accused. No one else believes me.. so I need your help. He'll die in prison otherwise! He's with all the most horrible, nasty villains." I explained, feeling myself tear up.

"Look, Y/N, your word is as good as mine here.." he said slowly.
"You were his mentor, were you not? He told me by mistake one day. Unless he lied, which I highly doubt." I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Say, Izuku, since when did you have a quirk?" I asked, watching as he punched down on a piece of wood.
Sweating and exhausted, he let out a tired breath.
"From All Might. It's similar, ain't it?" He chuckled.
Then he froze.
"Oh shit.. please forget I said that.. I wasn't meant to tell anyone.." he said, looking away in embarrassment.
"I'm glad you told me. Cuz now, I understand why I can't copy it. Transferred quirks aren't the easiest to copy." I chuckled.

I gave him a hug.
"Come on, your Mum expects us back for dinner. We've got a long week ahead of us! Ah, our first week at UA! I can't wait!!" I smiled, running off. "Catch me if you can~"
He smiled as well. "Oh it's on!"
We raced each other back to his house, huffing and panting.
"Tell me more about how you became the lucky holder of his quirk, alright?" I grinned.
He smiled back.
"Yeah, of course I will."

"That's when I learnt all about One For All." I explained briefly.

"Ah Midoriya.. I do miss that kid." All Might sighed.
"So will you help me then? Or am I wasting my time?" I snapped.

"You know, I'll help you as best as I can. I can't promise much." He shrugged.

"I'm sure they'll listen to you.. please.. I just want him back here.. you know he's innocent.."
"I know Y/N, I know." He frowned.

"So, how do you want me to help?"


Midoriya's heart raced, as he shuffled inside of All for One's cell.
Like he had said, their was a large grate.
Pulling out a pin from his sleeve, Midoriya unscrewed the locks, opening it far enough to allow him to slip inside, to crawl through the vents.

Then it reached an opening, and he could see the ocean.
The jetty was below.
Kicking the grate open, he slid down.
Now he was outside, he hit his cuffed hands against the stone wall.
Three times, until it cracked, allowing him to slip his hands out.

Izuku Midoriya was free.

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