Chapter 12: Dreams

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I kept slipping in and out of darkness.

I kept seeing distorted images.

Everything was replaying.

Was I dead?

I saw Deku sitting on the floor in front of me. It was him but- younger.

"Midoriya!!" I called out.

He turned his head and faced me, tears streaming down his face.

He looked over my shoulder.

A younger me came running past, helping the boy back onto his feet.

"What happened?" I asked him.

He hugged the younger me, his body physically broken.

Then I understood.
I remember this.

This happened when we were 7.

Bakugou had been bullying Deku and I had to come in and help.

Why was I seeing this?

Am I dead?

Is this what they mean by 'your life flashes before your eyes'?

"Your not dead, Y/N." I heard a voice say.

I turned, and was met with a pair of red eyes.

A pair of red, evil eyes.

His hair was long and blue, a white hand over his face.
"Such a great specimen like you can't die. Especially after All For Ones little.. experiment.." Tomura Shigaraki continued on, scratching his neck.

"What do you mean experiment??"

"You'll have to wait and see..."

Shigaraki faded away, along with everything else.

And I was left in darkness.


"Y/N! Y/N!!"

I turned again.
I saw Todoroki leaning over another me, worry clouding his eyes.

This was earlier this year.
Me and Todoroki were sparring for practice.

He accidentally knocked me out cold.

Everything flashed white.
I grimaced and blinked at the sudden light.


I turned. This voice was unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time.

I was met with.. me, but not.

It was my quirk in her physical form.

She looked like me, except her body was dull, her eyes red, her entire image in shades of black and white.

"I have a deal. I can wake us up. But, you have to let me have our body~" she cooed, leaning into my ear.

Her voice sent shivers down my spine.

"No.. I can't.."

"Then let them suffer." She growled, and began fading.

"Wait!" I yelled, extending my hand.

I know Todoroki will bring me back to normal. All I have to do is wake up.

"Hm? Changed your mind so soon?" She mused, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

"Fine.. let's make the deal." I sighed, holding my hand out.

She grinned.

"A deals a deal."

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