Chapter 45: Imprisoned

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"What do you mean she's in prison?" Midoriya asked.
"Exactly what it sounds like. Y/N is going to be sent to rot in prison because she revived Yumi. Clearly you gave her the bright idea to save her." Bakugo sneered.
"She was pregnant, Bakugo."
"The baby is a villain, icy-hot. She shouldn't of existed anyway, she was just made by Shigaraki."

Midoriya coughed. "No, she's been around for years. Yumi just gained more of a.. conscious after Shigaraki experimented on Y/N. More of a purpose if you will. Yumi used to be like Y/N's second personality- very sadistic and evil."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Doesn't matter. Y/N's been arrested, and I don't think we can help her. Yumi's locked up too on a ventilator, practically dead. She haemorrhaged."

Todoroki turned to him, slightly panicked. "You didn't tell me that."
Bakugo laughed dryly. "I'm sorry, but don't tell me you care for the shadow, Todoroki. She was pure evil, you should know that."
Todoroki frowned. "She was a person like you and me."
"A villain, dude. That's all she was. She should've stayed dead."

Todoroki couldn't handle it anymore, as he walked out the room, leaving.
When he found you, you were sleeping with your head against the interrogation table.
He knocked lightly, as you glanced up.

"Is she okay?" I asked.
"I don't know. She's on a ventilator."
"The baby.." I started, remember it's still body, all bloody and shrivelled.
"They didn't make it." He said quietly.
"Do we know the gender?"
Todoroki shook his head. "I haven't been told that. I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll try get you out of this, I swear by it."
I smiled sadly. "I put myself in this position, I'll get myself out of it."

My head had been quiet, and it made me feel sick.
Usually Yumi would be humming away, but it was like radio silence.
Except there was no static. She had just been cut off fully, detached from me.

Like she never existed.

When she died last time, I could still hear her.
But there was nothing.
Maybe that's what we deserved.

"If you want I'll get Endeavour to side-" Todoroki started, but I cut him off.
"I'm okay. Really. I'll sort this out. What I want you to do, is-"
I was cut off as police came in, nodding Todoroki away.
He frowned, but complied anyway as he left.

"We're taking you to court."

After weeks of court proceedings, I was sentenced to three months in prison and community service.
Since, they believed most of it I was forced into.
Yumi still wasn't awake, and apparently her baby had been sold to science, saying it was made from a constructed human body.
That made my skin crawl. It was disgusting.

As well as that, my entitlement to be a student at UA had been stripped, along with my dreams of becoming a hero anytime soon.
I was forced onto medicine to block my quirk, so even if Yumi could communicate in her comatose state, I couldn't hear it.

Todoroki always came to visit me. My own family didn't even come, saying I was a failure.
That was fine.

Midoriya was in prison, too.
But everyday his head swam, as he constantly visited the medical office for medication.
Pain killers, sleep medication, anything.
Anything to stop the voices.
He was in pain.

"Y/N!" He called out, running towards you.
Only, you were covered in blood, lifeless.
Yumi was leaning over you, covered in blood as she ripped at your flesh with her teeth.
As she looked up at Midoriya, he felt a weight drop on him, as he was chained down.
Yumi moved towards him, running a finger along his chin.

"I'll destroy you after I'm done with her." She whispered.
Midoriya tried to attack her, only for her to laugh, eyes flashing red.
"Oh Midoriya, you can't save her or yourself."
In that instant she changed, hair changing to blue, skin a sickening colour.

"Shigaraki." Midoriya scowled.
He ran four fingers along his neck.
"If you want to save her, you need to let it alllll out." Shigaraki drawled, as the shadows around Midoriya dropped, allowing him to move.

He used this opportunity to try and get the upper hand on Shigaraki, but it was pointless, as he was flipped over, Shigaraki's hand on his neck.

His hair dropped out, into a black-green, freckles littering his face as his eyes flashed green.
Midoriya bit back the bile rising in his throat.
"Deku?" He whispered.

"Keep quiet." He cooed, leaning close, his face right in Midoriya's, as he ran his tongue along his lips.
"It's time."

With that he spat into Midoriya's mouth, holding it open.
Black liquid came rushing out, as Midoriya gagged, feeling himself lose consciousness inside of the dream.

"Let the demon loose."

The prison guard sat half asleep, bored out of his mind as he watched the cameras.
In one swift move, his neck was broken, as he fell to the floor in a heap.
The boy took his keys, before leaving the prison, bodies littered in his wake.

"I'm coming Y/N. I'm not too weak, I swear to you I am not."

"He what?" I exclaimed, as Todoroki pulled the phone away from his ear.
"Sorry.." I whispered.
"He escaped. I don't know how, but there was a lot of bloodshed. A lot of the inmates were freed, and the camera footage was deleted. All the workers are dead, so they're assuming a brawl happened." Todoroki explained.
"Why would he do something so stupid?" I asked.
"He had been complaining of headaches and stuff for weeks. How long do you have of your sentence left, by the way?" He suddenly asked.
"A week, I think. If his headaches are what I think they are, this won't be good. I can't really come talk to you though, because I've been expelled." I sighed.
"Y/N, I told you I would get my father to fight for your spot back in the school." He frowned.

"Maybe one day. I'll just come over to your house after all this, yes? Then we'll figure out how to help Midoriya, and everything can go back to normal." I half smiled.
"I honestly don't think that'll ever happen. But we can sure as hell try." He smiled back.

That's when an alarm started blaring.
"Armed and dangerous villain approaching- all inmates must return to their cells." The voice rang over the loudspeaker.
Todoroki waved goodbye, but before he could leave with the others, the doorway exploded, sending him flying back.
A trail of blood seeped down where his head hit the wall, as he slid down in an unconscious heap.
I banged at the glass as the officer pulled me back.

"Ma'am calm down we have to go." He said.
"But my friend! Sir he's going to die please!" I cried.

"No he won't." Another voice said, as I heard a crunch from behind me, the officers grip loosening as he fell.

My eyes met someone's, as I covered my mouth, stumbling against the wall in fear.


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