Chapter 52: Not Everyone Gets A Happy Ending

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With a few begs and pleads, I managed to get into his school, and now stood at the door of his classroom.

It was just Midoriya, as he was sticking a pair of gloves together.
I had to clear my throat to get his attention, as he turned.

"Y/N! Love how are you?" He asked with a smile.
When he noticed I didn't move, that and my face refused to mirror the smile he had, his happiness faded to concern as he stepped closer.

"Is everything alright?"

He tried to pull me into a hug, as I pushed myself away.

"Midoriya, are we just fucking around with a relationship that was lost years ago? Is all of this the remains of what could've been? I just- I don't think this is how relationships are meant to go. I thought me feelings would grow but they're staying they same, like some sort of crush which is laying dormant within itself. It's just- I don't think we should see each other anymore, I just don't feel like it's working." I explained, holding eye contact with Midoriya.

He let out a sigh, running a hand through his green hair.
"I thought it was time one of us said that. Painfully, I agree."

"So where does that leave us?" I asked, choking back tears.
I didn't want the years of me falling in love with him to go to waste.
Those feelings didn't die, but they were starting to crumble on themselves as time went past, a permanent reminder of what could've been, what never will be.

Midoriya hugged me swiftly, placing one last kiss on my forehead, before he stepped back.

"We can return to being childhood friends. Y/N, I know the main reason why you came to me. I can sense it. It was Yumi, wasn't it? She doesn't trust me with you and she has every reason not to." Midoriya started.
"You see, Yumi was never just an embodiment of your quirk. She was a whole other quirk, a whole other person. She could copy quirks. Once, the league had a fortune teller come in. She instantly recognised and copied his quirk. It was in her general code, I suppose. And she never trusted me after that, saying I would leave you crying. I suppose she wasn't wrong."

"In another day, in other time perhaps, we could have been together." I smiled sadly.
"I think, Y/N, we tried to rush into this. We're only 16. Spend time loving someone else, it's okay by me. But I will always be here for you to fall back onto, because that's what friends do." Midoriya smiled slightly.

"Dude I love you so much.. but not like how we should have... I pushed the person who I really love away for you and now-" I sobbed into his chest, finally letting the tears fall down.

"Go get him Y/N, it's fine. Explain everything. He will understand, okay? Now go! I'll be here to back you up!" Midoriya smiled.

I placed a small kiss on his cheek.

"You're the best man. Thank you."

I ran off on him, as he waved, dropping his smile.

He was the liar here. He still loved you so much.
But he knew you didn't feel the same.
His love for you was unrequited, and he knew he had to let the relationship go before you both became miserable.

Now he was the only one suffering.

As I arrived at Todoroki's house, I hastily rang the bell, trying to catch my breath.
His sister opened the door.

"Y/N? Can I help?"
"Is Shoto home?" I asked.
She shook her head.

"Not yet. Did you need to give him a message?"

I shook my head, thanking her for her time as I rushed off.

Just where was he?

That's when it hit me, as I rushed to the park.

"Now why are you, Shoto Todoroki, here of all people?" I asked.
It was within the first few weeks of us starting school, and this classmate had always interested me.
He was mysterious, and it was entertaining trying to piece things together.

"Well, Y/N, I wanted to come here as a kid. Saying I'm older now, I can come when I want, so I do." He said, his voice rough, almost snapping at my question.
"No need to attack me, it was just a question:" I said simply, going to sit next to him on the swing.

"Sometimes a single question can destroy everything people have built, Y/N." He said, looking up at the sky, which was fading into a rainbow of reds and yellows.

"This is the first place I ever spoke to you one-on-one." I pointed out, as I went and sat next to him on the swings.

Todoroki laughed stiffly.
"That it is. How come you're here? Did you come to talk about Midoriya-"
I cut him off.
"We broke up."

"Oh.. why?"

"Because Todoroki, my feelings for him were trapped in who I used to think he was. I lied to you earlier. I don't just see you as a friend." I started, looking down at my feet as I dug them into the sand.

Todoroki was in front of me in an instant, leaning down so he was looking into my eyes.
He grabbed my hand, making me stand up with him.

"Then what do you see me as?" He asked, his voice slightly breathy.
The warm air that escaped his lips tickled my neck, as I stumbled over my next words.

"I think I like you. A lot. No, correction- I think I have a crush on you, Shoto Todoroki." I blurted out.

I watched as he started to smile, before he half lifted me up in excitement.

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips, as I froze, before kissing him back quickly.

"I love you Y/N. Thank you." He said between kisses, as he cupped my face in his hands.
I hand one hand in his hair, the other slipping under his shirt as I traced my fingers along the outline of his abs.

"I love you more." I whispered back, as he started to kiss down my neck hungrily.

He pulled away, looking me in the eyes with an excited gleam.

"I had been waiting a whole year to say this to you, y'know."

"Well now you don't have to anymore." I smiled slightly.

"Y/N, I promise to look after you, to cherish you, and take care of you. I will never treat you like a doll, a puppet, or anything. I will not treat you any less than the amazing person you are. I love you." Todoroki said, grinning the whole time.

"I love you too."

Then he pulled me into a kiss again, as the sun set over the horizon, in dazzling reds and golds.

I was nobody's doll anymore, but myself, living with and loving those I wanted to.

That included you, Shoto Todoroki.

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