Chapter 14

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Brandan saw a chaos infront of the house across the street... where Sarah, Sammy's house was. Something must have happened there, he decided to look out to their house a while later. 

He had just pulled his car onto the curb before his house after convincing Oliver that he needed to have a little space and be alone for a while after again having the same kind of encounter with some lady at the mall.. like in the morning when he thought he had seen Emma,so taking all the grocery bags with him .. he had sent Oliver to have some drinks at a bar.. to loosen up a little.

Seriously, how could he be wrong when he was so sure that it was her... that too twice in the same day. But then again, how was it even possible? 

He was about to open the backdoor of his car and reach out for the pile of bags... when his eyes fell upon a tiny someone running towards the streets, after a few moments of sqinting his eyes at the tiny figure Brandan could figure out who it was... Sammy. He looked at the boy's tear stricken... scared.. pale gone face.. and he knew that something was very wrong. Brandan looked around Sammy to see if that cute sister of his was around... but no, he couldn't see her anywhere near or far. It pricked Brandan as he knew that Sarah was seen glued to Sammy most of the time... the twins were almost inseperable. 

Brandan found his feet dragging himself to the direction of Sammy in a quick run and when he reached him, he knelt down before the ever strong boy who was now pathetically trembling. 

"What happened buddy? Tell me. Everyone alright in there?" He tried to ask as calmly as he could but his own voice betrayed him.

Brandan watched Sammy abruptly rub his little palms over his red face wiping the tears before attempting to make his expressions as firm as he could. Sammy was struggling to hold it together... Brandan watched amazed, it was so unlike and difficult for a five year old. 

Sammy opened his mouth to say something but couldn't form a proper sentence with his trembling lips. It was only when Brandan placed his comforting large hands on both of his shoulders that he could speak coherently.

"Sarah.. there.. mommy.. Sarah.." Sammy almost chocked and pointed his forefinger backwards to the direction of the backyard he came running from.

Tilting his head Brandan looked from above Sammy's head towards where he was pointing at and tried processing what the obviously shaken up boy was trying to say. And without wasting a single moment holding Sammy's hand he ran in the directrion of their backyard. 

Smoke coming out of an open window and flahses of orange and red flames.. caught his eyes with the absolute terror of the situation. He didn't realise when Sammy was tugging at his pants desperately and sobbing loudly now, the scared kid had lost all his strength at the sight of the monstrous.. fiery blazes of fire.

Deliberately like a deja vu... flashes of the burning motel from his most haunted memories began replaying in Brandan's mind. It was this fire which had announced the end of his search for Emma six years ago. It was this fire which had snatched Emma away from his reach... to a place so far and created a border so strong and tall that he couldn't go beyond it to search for her anymore. Six years back in front of such blazing flames.. Brandan for the first time bowed down his head to his own feelings and the light this fire had iluminated in his heart made him see the love he had been denying to accept since a long time. Realisation was what dawned upon him that night and gone was the immature - scum - old Brandan, instead a broken man with a hollow heart was born from the ashes. 

"Mommyyy.. bring my mommy... Sarah... come back..." Sammy's panicked voice snapped him out of his reverie and he looked down at the usually brave boy almost shrinking in his own invisible shell gripped by this pure unmistakable fear.

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