Chapter 19

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Emma pressed her temples closing her eyes for a brief minute before she again went back to check out the documents before her. She was trying pretty hard but it was almost impossible to concentrate on work when she had a cyclone recently shoved into her life out of the blue. A cyclone which arrived at the neighborhood in the disguise of her children's father.

Her secretary, Taylor communicated with her through the intercom reminding her of the appointment she had with one of her clients. Emma huffed slamming down the receiver. 

She wanted to get out of the office as soon as possible, rush back home and have her kids wrapped up in her arms and hide them away, far... far away from Brandan. 

Hearing a knock at the door she looked up to see Jonathon smiling at her as he leaned against the doorframe. His smile was contagious and Emma couldn't help but smile back. It was this comfort that was provided from Jonathon - the ease of his company that she adored the most. 

Jonathon muttered, "My busy woman."

Jonathon's eyes scrutinized the dark circles around her eyes, her skin paler than usual and that smile, he could clearly see it was not the usual cheery one that he loved so much.

Emma tucked a stray hair behind her ear as she noticed him staring at her concerned. She looked down at the file in front of her nervously and then again lifted her eyes up. Jonathon raised up a brow sending her a knowing look.

"So..." Emma's voice was low and nervous.

"So..." Jonathon repeated after her as he walked around the desk and stood right beside her leaning his hip against the wooden desk. The manly scent of his cologne sent her to a dazed state for a short while before she cleared her throat to try gain back her control and not make a fool of herself while her brain was so stupidly comparing his scent with... someone else's.

"Mind to share what's bothering you?" Jonathon inquired observing her.

Now, Emma truly wanted to share the recent havoc barged into her life with Jonathon, but what would she say - that Sarah and Sammy's dad had suddenly decided to show up and not only that he was her neighbor too. Jonathon and she had just started dating a couple weeks ago, would it be right to tell him about this?

A voice inside her head said yes, it was necessary to be honest but she brushed that voice away. She needed some time to wrap her own mind around this first.

Jonathon clicked his fingers before her face with a worried look. "Hey. You alright?"

Nodding her head with a reassuring fake smile Emma hoped that it would be enough to cover up the real inner state of her's. "Uhh... yeah. It's just that... I actually have a small headache, Jon."

Caressing her soft cheek with his fingers Jonathon gazed at her lovingly, it was something he was getting quite fond of to do recently. "You can take the day off if you want to. Go home, take some rest."

Emma smiled assuringly. "It's really just a little headache, Jon, an aspirin would do the trick. Besides, I have an important appointment later."

Jonathon still didn't look convinced, he stared at her for a few seconds more. With a sigh after a while, he eventually gave in. "Alright. Just don't forget to take that aspirin huh... and don't stress yourself too much. You will call me if you need anything or feel more down or anything, won't you?"

Emma couldn't help but to marvel at the way his voice laced with concern and worry for her. She looked at him appreciatively. "Yes boss. I definitely will. Don't worry about me."

He stood up and Emma thought he would leave her office now. But when he didn't, instead leaned forward and unexpectedly cupped her cheeks with his warm hands, she gasped in surprise.

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