Chapter 31

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After a busy day in the office Brandan was feeling really ecstatic to return home to see Emma and to see Sarah and Sammy, his two loveliest kids. Changing into casuals Brandan sprinted out his house taking a little box full of bread crumbs. 

Oliver chuckled after him saying, "I never thought that I would ever see you like this Brandan, you are becoming so cuddly, man."

Brandan didn't bother to answer back, he had more important things to do - like spending precious time with his children. He had already missed so much in their lives, he couldn't afford missing out more.

Knocking on Emma's door Brandan shifted on his feet. Emma opened the door to see a giddy looking Brandan holding a cartoon printed, plastic box in one hand and smiling broadly at her.

His eyes hovered over the loose strand of hair she tucked behind her hair. Was she nervous seeing him? Brandan wondered in anticipation.

Emma stood aside to let him in. 

"Ermm Emma, I wanted to take the kids to the park - you know the one in the next block."

Emma was about to say something but Brandan quickly cut in raising the box in his hand. "I thought they would like to feed the ducks..." Emma couldn't help but smile when Brandan added after a pause, "...some breadcrumbs."

"They would love it." She replied and he smiled rubbing the back of his neck.

"They would?" He asked.

Emma began walking upstairs with Brandan following after her. "They love it each week when I take them there, you'll see how they keep ogling at the ducks." 

"You guys go there?" He questioned surprised.

"Twice each week." With a smile she replied.

They were nearing the kid's room now. This was probably the first longest conversation they were having without the misfortune of having to dig old smelly graves and as a result trying to slit each other's throats. Brandan couldn't help but think of it as a good sign, maybe finally the almighty God had decided to have some mercy on him.

Emma pushed open the slightly ajar door, standing behind her Brandan looked at the room from over Emma's head. He raked his gaze around the beautifully painted room in light blue, cream and pink. There was a medium sized shelf in on corner - toys, teddy bears, stuffed animals were kept on the racks. Two single beds, in the little gap between them was a little bedside table. Twin study tables at the other end of the room. The curtains before the balcony door were kept apart as they swung slightly in the gentle breeze coming from outside. 

He recalled how for the first time he saw Emma, Sarah and Sammy knelt down on the floor and praying right in front of this very same balcony. He could still clearly remember how that night he felt this magnificent pull towards them without even knowing who they really were, without knowing that they were the most dearest to his heart... that they were his everything.

In the middle of the room, on a mat, Sarah and Sammy were playing with a variety of toys were scattered around them. 

Hearing noise at the door, the twins looked up. Sarah clutched her fluffy teddy bear tight to her chest.

Emma smiled broadly at them. "Look, who came to see you."

Sammy, for a few seconds stared wide eyed at Brandan, and then turned around with his back facing Brandan and kept playing with his little school bus. 

Then something happened, almost happened, which Brandan had been craving with all his heart.

"Da... " Sammy slapped Sarah's arm making a floppy sound and immediately Sarah closed her mouth gulping down whatever she was going to say.

Brandan couldn't believe it, was Sarah going to really call him - daddy! But then again maybe he was expecting too much - too soon and was just assuming things.

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