Chapter 24

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In her entire existence Emma had never thought to get blessed with all those things she ever craved for, she had always been thinking herself to be the unfortunate one.

There was a time when she thought loving someone so opposite of herself could never hurt her, because that love always stayed silent and hidden in her heart. But ohh... how wrong she was, at a very tender age she was taught quite cruelly that love - hidden or exposed, had the same power to break someone without any mercy. She was the unlucky one to have the later in her plate and now that she was aware of the power of that fatal emotion and how they had the vivaciousness and possibility to devastate her all over again.

She refused to acknowledge the emotions crossed into Brandan's expressive eyes. Those were the same freaking emotions she knew her eyes might have reflected approximately six years back. Shaking her head mentally she named those emotions in Brandan's eyes as his fake - moronic charms. A part of his scheme that he always managed to put on whenever he craved to get into someone's pants.

Emma matched his expressive eyes with her own stony gaze, she refused to show even a ounce of emotion to this man.

When she walked into the dimly lit restaurant, a number of scented aromatic candles scattered carefully in safe distances while giving a feel of intense romanticism. Emma spotted Brandan standing up after seeing her. Their table was at a secluded corner and Emma knew without a doubt that this whole thing was his doing. Was he that desperate to have a quick lay?

Their eyes locked, while Brandan poured appreciation and raw passion with a mix of soul numbing emotions towards her, Emma only offered her usual icy stare which would always manage to block his every single approach to her heart.

Brandan pulled back Emma's chair. Emma smirked sitting down while Brandan couldn't see her face. So much chivalry to the one you used to bully, Emma thought.

"Thanks for coming Emma." His words were sincere as he spoke spoke them softly but Emma just nodded.

A waitress approached their table. Emma rolled her eyes seeing the blond bimbo giving flattering glances at Brandan, enough buttons were open to show off more than her cleavage. Emma had to control the urge to puke when the waitress bend down with the pretense of picking up her notepad and leaving nothing to imagination.

She hadn't still looked at Brandan after settling down in her seat but she was pretty sure he was now ogling at the waitress's mostly exposed upper body. She clearly remembered every single thing about the famous ladies man named Brandan Rozario, six years of distance couldn't fade a memory of him from her mind.

Confident of her instincts Emma lifted up her eyes at the direction of Brandan only to have a invisible blow to her every logic. Brandan's eyes were not on the waitress or any kind of indecent view the bimbo was offering, he was staring at Emma with an amused expression... a tint of a smile at the corner of his lips.

Deliberately Emma lifted up her hand up to touch her face - suspicious if something was sticking there. Brandan shook his head smiling while browsing through the menu. Clearing her throat Emma proceeded to do the same.

Flashing the brightest set of teeth - which Emma imagined were probably as fake as everything else on her voluptuous body, the waitress asked Brandan what wine they would like to have. Brandan seemed to even don't notice at the seductive voice of the waitress.

"What the lady would like to have." Shrugging Brandan kept staring at Emma while she bit the inside of her bottom lip, internally screaming to herself to get up and run as fast as she could. Apparently the things she was witnessing wasn't good for her.

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