Chapter 45

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Dedicating this chapter to Kate5533




With a blank look, Emma sat in front of the TV with the kids chattering beside her - laughing and sometimes arguing over silly topics that only had importance to kids. If it was any other time Emma would have joined Sarah and Sammy, smile at them when they giggled and squealed in joy - or put a break to their cute arguments.

But she was nearly breaking into pieces inside, the pain could be felt almost deep into her bones. The quarrel they had in the morning - or afternoon, had been replaying in her mind over and over again. It wasn't the first time they had fought, she had insulted him before too... more than once.

But this time, it was different. She could feel the bitterness of it in her blood. It had been now two days and she was still waiting for him to come, to see her - to talk to her.

But he didn't.

She waited for his phone call, at least a text message like a little kid waits for their birthday present.


Not a single word from him.

And it was now ten in the morning, still no sight of him. She had tried to have a single glimpse of him through the window and the balcony. But it was as if he had vanished literally. Emma was stepping towards falling into fits of hysterics.

At that moment she wanted nothing else but for him to stand in front of her with that sexy smile lighting up his whole face and say that - everything was alright.

The news in the TV all of sudden made her jerk out of her reverie.

"Oh my Goodness!" She murmured in disbelief.

Emma listened awestruck as the news reporter spoke in details about her ex-boyfriend slash ex-boss slash jerk of the millennium - Jonathon's bankruptcy, his inevitable fall in the world of business and finance. He was secretly involved in drugs transport and had relevant connection in the mafia world, it was very much obvious that all the capitals of his business came from illegal sources.

Emma watched wide eyed as a blurry but comprehensible picture of Jonathon shaking hands with a very rugged looking middle aged man. The man was recognized as one of the most wanted criminals in Italy, Luciano.

Immediately Emma recalled the names from Jonathon's very confidential file. Marcio, Luciano and what was that other guys name - she remembered - Hespienza. No wonder, they were all from the mafia.

The news reporter further explained that all the information were sent to the media and FBI from an unknown source.

"Didn't they do a fantastic job... wrapping up that shit in his own doings?"

Emma turned around hearing Oliver as he came inside the house with a solemn look. She was so engrossed in listening to the news about Jonathon that she didn't notice Oliver enter.

"They?" She asked confused. Emma guessed that 'the shit' was apparently Jonathon but who were this - 'they'?

Oliver rolled his eyes walking towards Emma and sat beside her on the sofa after the kids ran away to play.

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