Chapter 2

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The car pulled out into the highway, and Brandan smelled the freshness of the country air rolling the glass of the window down. He had to attend a meeting with some business delegates outside the city but as the wind swept at his hair, the thought of the upcoming meeting became the last thing in his mind. He padded his thumbs on the steering wheel, lips stretching into half a smile--a grim line of sadness.

His eyes were set on the road but his mind, it was occupied with memories of the past. 

Whenever he drove down this road it never failed to remind him relentlessly of her. Of Emma. 


**( Flashback )**

"Emma, do you remember about the charity hospital project in Dorchester? Your father's dream project that he couldn't complete before..." Robert trailed off.

Emma sighed, nodding. How could she forget? She could still remember her father speaking highly about it, he was going to name the hospital after his late wife whom he stayed loyal to till his last breath. Her father never dated again, even after her mother died all those years ago. Their parents shared such a kind of love. It provided her the encouragement, the push to dare and want what her parents had. 

"Yes, I remember. But what about that?" She asked, confused.

Across the large desk of his study, Robert leaned forward in his swivel chair, resting his elbows on the cool glass over the wood.. He rubbed his thumb on his jaw as he spoke, "You ad Evan, you're the only heirs of you father. All his property, business and even liabilities now belong to you both."

Emma pursed her lips, curious to know where this conversation was going. Robert paused for a second and Emma waited patiently. 

"There's some unfinished paperwork regarding the land where the hospital is being constructed. The developer, engineer and the former owner of the land had requested a meeting considering some other complications as well. Your presence is needed there, Emma." Robert said, raising up from his chair and walking round the table to stand beside her.

"But," Emma hesitated. "Evan can handle it as well, right? As far I know, he's been taking care of such issues," she added after a pause, "under your guidance, of course."

"He surely can," Robert nodded. "But he's caught up in something else, Emma. Besides, I think you should slowly learn and step into the business as well. It's as much yours as it is Evan's." Robert explained.

Emma couldn't help but feel more gratitude towards Robert, after their father's demise he was not only taking care of them as much as he could but also was trying to make them responsible. She could only imagine how her party-animal, lazy-ass brother was getting invisible whooping on his behind for having to start working in the office besides studying. However, it was Evan's final year in college, it was only logical that he needed to learn taking the responsibility of the family business. 

Emma sighed, she was eager to get over with her own college life as soon as possible, because she and her God knew - how that place had become her peril. She couldn't wait to get out of there. Everyday she would break little by little as those hideous excuses of human beings would throw insults and pranks upon her. Furthermore, it had become quite agonizing lately that Brandan had joined them too, instead of only smirking at her misery from the sidelines he was now an avid and active participant.

Why was she like this? Why couldn't she stand against them? Why she always let them walk all over her? Why? It was not that she never tried to fight back, she did, but words always died down at the back of her throat. She hated herself for just standing there, dumb and in state of brain freeze, every time letting everyone walk over her. But she could feel now-a-days, a coil tightening viciously as days passed by, waiting to spring into a release. Would that set her free?

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