Chapter 25

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A week went by in a blur after that disastrous yet significant dinner.

To keep his mind off of the last encounter he had with Emma, Brandan was trying to read a newspaper sitting in the lounge. But so far the words seemed like aliens as they refused to become understandable in his busy mind - like a broken record which kept replaying all those hurtful words Emma threw his way with such bitterness. 

He heard Oliver cussing from the kitchen. Sighing Brandan rubbed his temples, he wasn't looking forward to Oliver's silly tantrums after a long workday in the office. He had appointed a maid who will come three days a week and do all the chores - basically cleaning and laundry. Cooking was still in Oliver's department though, he plainaway refused to handover the responsibility to someone else.

He lowered the newspaper and peeked up to see Oliver storming out off the kitchen with a wooden spatula in his hand, yanked the main door open and sprinted off towards the direction of Emma's house. 

"Now what!" He mumbled confusedly to himself.

Throwing the paper away he briskly walked to the window and slid it open with a hand.

He heard Oliver yell angrily at Elli when the door was opened after a minute of furious knocking, "Where are my pancakes Elli? You better give them back to me right now or I'll spank you with this spatula." Oliver ended the threat swinging the weapon in his hand dangerously in the air.

Elli crossed her arms over her chest leaning on to the door frame and smirked, "Oh! You're so kinky Oli."

Brandan swore he heard Oliver growl like an animal - but Elli didn't even flinch, rather she added looking disinterested, " As much I would love to see that kinky side of yours, I'm afraid that won't be happening anytime soon. Because honey I've no idea of where your pancakes are, hell - I don't even like pancakes."


But before Oliver could retort back the door was slammed shut on his face. 

Brandan watched as his friend - now red in the face shaking with so much anger - huffing and puffing walked down the distance between the two houses and then when he came to the front porch...

Brandan raised a brow. Oliver fell face first into some sticky liquid. 

"Uh...hunnn..." And the blood curdling scream that followed shook the whole suburb. 

Brandan turned around to face the main door and crossed his arms when after a couple of minutes Oliver entered and slammed the door shut so loudly behind him. His eyes immediately fell on the amused look Brandan was giving him.

Oliver yelled, "I'm going to kill that girl one of these days I'm telling your Brandan. She stole my pancakes, I'm sure she was the one messing with our cars - she painted them pink Brandan -PINK! And then goes ahead and flattened the tyres God knows how many times till now."

Brandan kept quite. Lots of unusual things are happening around them or in staright words pranks - making them almost crawl up a wall and jump off in frustration and in utter loss of knowledge of why and how these little yet disturbing things were happening to him or around him lately. But he could surely smell conspiracy behind the huge number of accidents and coincidences, only in that case he agreed with Oliver. But he wasn't sure it was Elli.

Oliver clutched at his hair in rage, "And now Savanah's dog has joined the team with her. That bloody dog is painting our front porch with it's stinky - disgusting pee in a regular basis."

Then it clicked on Brandan's head. He took a step back from his friend scrunching his nose. "That was dog's pee you fell into Oliver!"

"Like you can't smell it already..."

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