Chapter 29

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Jenny was pretty annoyed when Emma returned home that evening. She let Emma know in details of how difficult it was to clean up the kids and removing those horrid colors off of their skin. But who were they kidding, it was inevitable from the beginning. Emma knew about that. Kids and paints in one place, this was bound to happen. 

Emma was happy to see that at last the kids had warmed up a bit to the idea of Brandan being their father and all. 

As she sat down on her front porch steps with a mug of her coffee, she was greeted with the scene of Brandan strolling towards her with a calm expression. Emma snorted, here comes the great Brandan Rozario.

"Enjoying coffee?"

"I guess you aren't blind." Emma said indifferently. 

Chuckling Brandan sat down beside her. Emma huffed, if he thought that after helping him to get the children warm up towards him, things were going to get suddenly all cheesy between them then he was mistaking a big time. Emma stood up abruptly only to be dragged down by Brandan's strong hold around her wrist. 

"Where are you going? Just sit here for a while."

"Why?" Emma asked a little spitefully.

Brandan shrugged ignoring her tone. "Is it important to have a reason?" He asked back.

"If it's involving you, then yes."

Brandan put the palms of his hands behind him on the ground and leaned back, looking at the evening sky as the setting sun splattered various mysterious colors all over the skies. 

No one said anything for a long time, every now and then Emma kept sipping her coffee. 

"Where are the little bombs?" He asked after a while quietly.

Really? little bombs! 

"Evening nap. They were pretty tired after their artistic task this morning."

Emma turned her head sideways to look at the side of Brandan's face, he was still gazing at the sky. Now as Brandan wasn't looking at her, Emma took her own sweet time to memorize the relaxed feature of his face, the slight stubble, his hair cutely yet sexily tousled... maybe because of the slight playfulness of the evening breeze or the result of running his hand through them a few times.

Suddenly, Brandan turned towards her, his eyes lit up with amusement.

Emma blinked and looked away. She bit her bottom lip in embarrassment of getting caught staring. Damn! She cursed herself mentally.

Emma gasped feeling his hot breath suddenly caressing her earlobe, when the hell did he lean so close.

"Take a photo. It lasts longer... you know." His husky voice made her insides shiver in delight and of course there was this inevitable flutter in her stomach.

Gripping the coffee mug Emma stood up and away from Brandan not daring to peek a glance at him, afraid of losing herself again. 

"Umm... I... The kids must be waking up, they are alone in there and it's getting dark."

Brandan just nodded smirking as she spoke too quickly then she intended to, making her obvious nervousness even more prominent.

Gritting her teeth Emma walked back into the house. That arrogant son of a... 

But why the hell was she behaving this weird? She asked herself. Maybe she was just tired. Yes. That's it, she was tired and nothing else. 

Locking the door behind her Emma made her way upstairs to wake up the kids while trying think about anything - anything but Brandan's face gazing up at the sky. Yes. Jonathon, Emma was going to think about Jonathon, he was worth thinking. He was safe. And Emma was good with safe. 

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