Chapter 21

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Elli held the extra heavy files with one arm snuggling them tightly to her body and flung her bag on her shoulder, she was bearing the consequences of bringing office works home last night and working late while sacrificing a good amount of her beauty sleep. Now she was feeling droopy but there was no way she couldn't go to work today. 

For the millionth time since she began working in this web desgining company she wished she could still be in college, life was so much fun and care free back then. Bunking classes, hanging out, chillaxing, partying and what not. But those days were gone... and hell she was misssing them too much today.

As she began walking down the pavement exiting their house she felt fuzzy in the stomach. Nervousness. 

Only two days remained to complete the designs of the second worst client of hers, the first worst client - well she had already lost that grumpy one. And today, she had to give the progress report to her boss... and then a meeting with the clients. She was on the edge, too much work left undone. 

Stumbling upon a pebble she staggered forward making all the files in her hands to scatter on the ground. With an annoyed huff she knelt down on the ground to pick them up, at the same moment a boy jumped upon her things and walked away without a glance backward.


Elli yelled in agitation, there was no chivalry in todays world. Another woman walked on one of the loose sheets, she mumbled a quick sorry before strolling away. At least this woman had the decency to say sorry, Elli thought. 

But when someone knelt down infront of her and without a word began gathering the files, Elli with a confused yet pleased smile looked at the direction of the kind person. He quickly helped her up with her things.

Elli offered a smile to him. "Thanks." She added after a small pause, "Chivalry is still not dead in earth I see."

The man, who was tall and had the look which indicated of regular visits to the gym - smiled back at her warmly. "No problem."

"Ok then. Errr... thanks again. Bye." She was about to walk away towards the next block, hauling a cab was easier from there. The bus might have already left. She hoped she could stock enough money soon to buy a car, a scooty would also do. 

The man called her from behind, "Listen, wait..."

Elli turned back to see him approaching her with a nervous smile.

Hesitating for a while he finally spoke, "Do you live in that house?"

He pointed at Emma's house awkwardly. 

"Yeah, why ?" Elli raised a eyebrow curiously seeing his smile increasing a notch, "We are neighbours then, mine is the opposite house of yours."

Elli kept silent, so he spoke again. "I'm Brandan. We just shifted here a week ago..."

Breath caught in her throat as Elli looked flabbergasted at Brandan first and then towards his house. Her eyes fell upon the man she thought to be Brandan who just decided to come out on the porch while brushing his teeth. 

Oh God! If it was Brandan, then upon whom she had emptied the waste-bin that day!

His eyes caught her looking at him with shock, Elli kept staring at the assumed Brandan who held out the toothbrush in his hand and made a dangerous gesture of slicing throat - moving the toothbrush on his throat from one end to another. 

Elli turned her eyes back to the real Brandan who had his hand held up towards her for a handshake. 

Brandan's pleasnt smile transferred into a confused thin line when he saw Elli suddenly walk away in abruptly like she had poisonous ants spread all over her body.

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