Chapter 26

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Emma sat stunned as Sarah's dove shaped eyes filled with sad tears and Sammy blinked rapidly in an attempt to hide the moistness in his eyes.

"If daddy comes to see us now... and hates us again, what will we do, mommy?" Sammy's question was innocent but Emma's stunned silence was agonizing. After a few long seconds of speechlessness Emma spoke, her voice came out choking. "Now, listen carefully what I say. Okay?"

She began rocking both of them in her arms back and forth slowly, the twins nodded their heads up and down - their expressions still remorseful. "Yesh, mommy."

"Daddy never hated you. Never ever. In fact, no one, and I mean, no one can hate you in this world, you two are my such adorable little darlings." Emma said as she dropped loud kisses on top of their heads. "Your daddy never came to see you because he didn't know that God had sent you to earth already. I... we...," She said after a pause - her voice low, "We got lost and he couldn't find us."

Now the twins looked curious.

Sarah had her brows furrowed cutely. "Really mommy! We got lost... in a summer fair?"

Emma couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Yeah, something like that."

"Then, mommy..., then," Sammy urged wanting to know more. 

"And then," Rubbing her thumb on Sammy's cheek, Emma continued, "He found us now and saw that how beautiful and good children you two are."

"He saw us!" Sarah squealed.

Sammy too had his eyes wide in anticipation. "What did he say?"

They perked up in excitement.

Emma smiled affectionately at them. "He said that you two are the sweetest," she kissed on Sarah's chubby cheek making her giggle. "Cutest and the most adorable...," she smacked a kiss on Sammy's cheek too but he immediately started wiping his cheek but was smiling anyway. "Kids in the whole world and he loves you so so so much, just as how mommy loves you."

The massive grins that now plastered on both of their faces made Emma want to sob in happiness, she bit her bottom lip to suppress her emotions.

Sarah rocked her feet enthusiastically and tilted her head. "Promise, mommy?"

"Pinky promise." Emma grinned.

They clung to Emma ferociously in excitement and delight. After a few minutes of comfortable silence Sammy asked,  "When will daddy come to meet us, mommy?"

Emma sighed, she still hadn't told them that their daddy was in fact staying in the next house and they had indeed met him already, she thought to reveal the fact that it was in fact Brandan while they were all present in persons. She just hoped everything would go well.

"He's coming to join us for dinner tonight," Emma disclosed.

Both of the kids smiled excitedly, Sarah clapped her hands. And Emma sent a silent prayer heavenwards for the well being of the kids' fragile hearts and emotions. 

 "Now the only thing left is - dealing with Steeve's mommy." Emma said turning serious.

Satan would be playing with snow in hell when the next time Steeve's mom dared to originate anymore rubbish gossip about Emma and her private life and make Steeve listen to all that bunch of bull and hurt her babies at the end of the day.

Sarah asked in confusion, "Steeve's mommy! Why, mommy, what did she do?"

Emma's lips pressed into a thin line. "She is gossiping way too much, baby, and I can clearly sense where her son is getting all the disgusting ideas from."

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