Chapter 28

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Morning came with freshness, bright sunlight and two sleepy children adamant to not wake up.

"Come on, wake up - Sammy Sarah..."

Emma Chuckled looking at the way they were sleeping on their stomachs, their butts up in the air. She tapped both of their behinds gaining annoyed whines. 

"Piku. Pokemmm..." Sammy was rambling in sleep. Emma chuckled again and patted them once more. This boy was a die hard fan of pokemon. 

"Now, this is the last time I am calling you both. You better get up or else..."

Emma huffed a breath when no replies came.

Emma continued after a pause,"... or else I am not going to let you help paint Ross's new doghouse."

That was the magic words. Within a matter of seconds the siblings sat up straight on their beds as if they were suddenly charged with electricity. 

"We - we paint Ross's new house, mommy?" Sarah mumbled rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Really?" Sammy had already kicked away the sheets and was looking up at Emma squinting his eyes, trying to adjust them with the bright daylight.

They were bubbling in excitement.

Emma tried hiding the smile of adoration from his lips. " Not if you don't brush your teeth and have your breakfast in the next 20 minutes. " She said with a serious face while wiping off the dried drool from the corner of Sarah's lips trailing down her chin. 

The children gobbled up their breakfast in a speed similar to a tornado. Their excitement couldn't be controlled no matter how much Emma tried as they sprung off their chairs squealing and ran upstairs to grab their shoes.

Emma was already dressed for office. When the kids came down hurriedly Emma grabbed both of their hands and the children almost dragged her out of the house making Emma giggle all the way. 



Keeping the color buckets, brushes and other necessary equipments beside him on the ground... Brandan stood leaning against the tree in Savanah's lawn. The doghouse behind him screaming to get painted. Or maybe those were the kids squealing from Emma's house. 

Brandan smiled. Last night after returning home from office he went over to Emma's house for two reasons, one was to see the kids and another - to see Emma. It was increasingly getting difficult day by day to lead a life without her, to live in a different house without them.

The kids - though warmed up after they played basketball for a long hour, weren't still completely comfortable in his company and Brandan realized that... it wasn't going to be a walk in the park in a sunny morning to make them free around him. Winning his children's hearts was something he had to do with dedication. He had to show them that he really cared. He had to prove to them that he wasn't that bad like they were earlier thinking him to be... or was he? Considering how Sammy was still scowling at his direction - but thankfully the little boy wasn't screaming bloody murder anymore every time he came in front of him. Brandan shook his head clearing the thoughts away.

No time to think anymore, Emma was coming down with the kids. After brain- storming the whole night Brandan came up with this idea to bond with the kids. The sun had barely decided to rise.. when Brandan called Emma to let her know about the plan. Brandan was about to almost jumped off his balcony holding the phone in excitement... when Emma agreed that it was indeed a good plan. At least Emma agreed in something with him. He looked at it as a plus point. 

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