Chapter 13

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This morning Emma had woken up in her usual time to get ready for work, she had just stretched her arms to wake her limbs.. when she received a phone call from Jonathon. He told her to not come to office today, she was instead required to meet a client during lunch at one of the top most restaurants of the city. This restaurant was near the beach and the season seemed appropriate for a lunch rendezvous - professional or not. 

Emma was already up, again going back to sleep was out of question. So the first thing she did was to make a call to Jenna and tell her not to come today. 

Then she decided to have a run, it had been so long since she had worked out. So burning a little fat and getting a little sweaty seemed like a good idea. 

She quickly put on a pair of shorts, a gray tank top and her favorite pair of converses. When she was walking out the door after gathering her hair in a high ponytail, Elli strolled out of the kitchen holding her coffee mug with her bed hair pointing terribly at all the different directions. 

The moment her eyes fell on Emma, she low whistled. "There goes the hot mommy."

Emma rolled her eyes and yelled back a little loudly before slowly jogging off. "I will be back in an hour, kids are still sleeping so don't make any noise please."

Elli leaned against the door frame and sipped on her coffee before muttering something inaudible.



Brandan had his favorite pair of black slacks on, he didn't go with any suit today instead settled with only his neat and cream shirt. It wasn't appropriate in professional level the way he dressed but he wanted to care less about that fact. 

Rolling up the sleeves to his elbows he was about to open the car door when he heard a voice... a voice that hit straight to his heart and left him petrified with anticipation and statuated with shock. 

"I will be back in an hour, kids are still sleeping so don't make any noise please."

It was like he had suddenly touched an electric wire and his body was charged with a thousand bolt of electricity. 

How could it be possible! It was so similar to Emma's voice - the slight country accent, that sweet tone he died to listen to... since it seemed like a lifetime. Was he dreaming ? Again ? 

His heart had stopped for a second when he turned around to see the backside of a very attractive, hot woman jogging away along the streets. Her figure was so similar to.. to Emma's. Deliberately he took a step forward towards her, those curves on her body in all the right places were like magnet to him, but she was running away too fast. 

Those same brownish hair tied up in a high ponytail and was bouncing on her back with each thump of her feet on the ground. All the other sounds around was zoned off to oblivion, it was like everything was happening in a slow motion.. like it happens in the movies. 

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