Chapter 43

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Dedicating this chapter to @khavakhobi


Elli threw away the vase while proudly smirking, her achievement sprawled across the floor.

Oliver and the kids had already stood themselves up. The kids were straightening up their messy clothes while Oliver had his eyes glued on Brandan, his facial expression was in between teasingly smirking at Brandan and wincing in pain for the heavy beating he got from the unconscious fellow lying on the floor.

In the meantime Elli looked at Oliver to say something smart but frowned in confusion at his expression and then she followed his eyes and looked at the semi naked... shocked couple on the bed.


Immediately her hands were upon both Sarah and Sammy's eyes blocking their innocent visions from the sinful sight.

Emma's gaze was still stuck on her elder brother sprawled out cold on the floor.

It was Brandan who recovered first. And the first sentence out of his mouth was...

"Get out. All of you."

Without wasting a moment with the kids Elli was out of the room avoiding looking at anyone while mumbling incoherent things under her breath.

Oliver was still smirking at Brandan not showing any sign to leave.

Brandan raised an eyebrow and hissed. "You better leave Oliver."

The smirk never left his lips as Oliver teasingly saluted his friend and finally turned around to leave wiping at the trail of blood that trickled down his nose.

Brandan was still covered in the sheets from waist down, he exclaimed all annoyed. "And who do you think would take this one out?"

He pointed at Evan.

Oliver hesitantly cleared his throat, "Errr... Me?"

"Yes. You." Brandan confirmed simply.

Oliver groaned, but anyways dragged Evan's unconscious body out of the room.

"Take him to my place for now. I don't want him here in Emma's and troubling her and our kids, let's just give him some time to cool down."

"yeah yeah..." Oliver mocked back.

Finally they were all alone in the room again. Brandan sighed frustratingly at the sudden turn of events as he dragged a hand down his face.

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