Chapter 44

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Hello lovely readers and friends... how are you all? :) Thanks for voting and commenting. (Hugs tightly and kisses on the head) XX

Dedicating this chapter to neha12056


"Ohh man!! He'd freaking broken my jaw... my nose too... it hurts!!"

Moaning and groaning patheticaly in pain Oliver was near hysterics as Elli tended to his wounds. He was bruised all over and was constantly complaining.

"Stop it Oliver, your jaw and nose has been always looked like this. It's just a little bruised.. that's all."

Oliver gasped in shock, "Are you saying that my face isn't beautiful, then what the hell you were staring at when you were straddling me on the sofa."

Emma who was sitting across them absentmindedly, heard Oliver saying this which instantly caught her attention. "Elli... you were straddling him! When? Why?"

Then closing her eyes as if trying to block out the scene that popped up in her mind, Emma shook her head quickly. "No. Please don't tell me. I don't want to know."

Elli was so red that it seemed like she would literally burst out of her skin in embarrassment while Oliver just sat there having a huge grin on his face suddenly forgetting about all his wounds.

But a loud smack on his shoulder which was aching too... made him crushing back to the ground from the clouds. "Owiii... owwwa... It hurts damn it."

Elli stood up stomping. "Emma, it's not what you're thinking, really."

Emma crossed her hands over her chest with a disbelieving look. Elli narrowed her eyes looking at Emma accusingly. "And by the way, why the hell am I explaining myself ! It's you who should explain how exactly you ended up under the sheets with Brandan the hunk and that too naked... AND I WANT ALL THE JUICY DETAILS. Got it?"

"Yeah... Elli, I totally agree with you." Oliver too piped in now very enthusiastic.

Elli now turned to Oliver, the both of them very much unaware of the way Emma's face fell in despair and humiliation.

"No... no, no, no. You mister..." Elli roughly poked on Oliver's chest. "...will go back to your nest and let Emma and me rest in peace for a change, I seriously can't take anymore of your whining. So..."

Resting her fists on her hips Elli tapped her feet anxiously, waiting for Oliver to exit the scene.

Oliver stared at Elli for a short second and then protested loudly. "What! No."

Elli gritted her teeth. "What do you mean by no?" She was getting really sick of Oliver's antics now.

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