Chapter 23

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Emma shuffled upon her feet as she stood in front of the closed door. She raised her hand at the direction of the doorbell switch, but her hand fell back a moment before she could hit it. Turning around she walked down the porch steps almost giving up the decision she made. Then she stopped suddenly, her breath held.

She knew what decision she made was after a lot of thinking and pondering upon different possibilities. The more she thought the more the consequences of what she had decided to be done - seemed extremely terrible - in a bad way. But there were also possiblities that everything would be alright, that everyone would finally have their peace and especially she would get back her sanity. 

She scolded herself that she was just over thinking things. 

So swinging around, this time with more determination she headed towards his door and after hesitating for a few short moments of anxiety, she finally pressed the switch and the doorbell inside his house rang making her guts almost drop out. Her determination went foggy again. However, she really didn't have the time to double think anymore. 

The door opened revealing a casual looking Brandan, his homey attire made him look--steamy to say exactly. The t-shirt he was wearing hugged all his muscles, those biceps, that broad chest and then those killer abs. Emma silently sucked in a breath. He had definitely grown in the last six years and as she lifted her eyes again to his eyes, she saw surprise, joy and confusion.

He was staring at her, his mouth slightly opened in shock. When he welcomed and showed her in while genuinely looking happy and tensed too, Emma felt the tight strings in her heart thrumming violently. She didn't say anything right then, just silently made her way towards the sofa beside the artificial fireplace in the living room. She had such kind of a fireplace in her house too, there was an electric heater within, it would light up by pressing a button and spread warmth quicker than imagination. 

Warmth was what she needed now. Because, suddenly she felt so cold. Her nerves were freezing up.

Brandan sat down across Emma, the little tea table between them working as a symbolic wall. Brandan had a strong urge rising inside him to kick that heck of a tea table away from between them. But that action would surely make him seem like an absolute maniac, so he crossed his ankles and instead stared at the beautiful woman in front of him with curiosity.

There was an awkward silence in the room, Brandan wanted to break the silence but at the same time feared that it would only break the spell - which made her come to his doorstep. Besides he had a hard time believing that what was happening was real and not a dream. 

Emma closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, Brandan's unwavering stare upon her was providing her the warmth she needed. Strangely, that was also making the butterflies in her stomach increase their pace of dancing salsa. Nervousness... nothing else... she told herself. 

Licking her dry lips she finally thought that it would be better to say whatever she had come to say and leave as soon as possible. That way the dangerous salsa in her stomach and that crazily drumming heart of hers would rest in peace.

"I..." After a long pregnant pause Emma inhaled a deep breath. Brandan leaned a little forward, slowly pushing himself away from the backrest of the sofa. The extra attention from him made her nerves more jittery but she thought to continue however. "I thought... I thought about what you said. Sarah and Sammy need to know the truth. I just need a little time to tell them."

Brandan couldn't believe, he just couldn't believe. Once again he doubted if it was all a dream. He felt like his heart would definitely break out of his chest if it beat any faster. Instantly he had the biggest grin in human history plastered across his face.

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