Chapter 11

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Elli opened the door to let Emma in. She beamed looking at the genuine smile on Emma's face. 

"I want every damn details of the date."

Emma blushed a little, she looked gorgeous in her black dress which reached just above her knees, light make up and those killer heels. The date with Jonathon went really good, actually better than she thought it would be. There was no awkwardness, no second thoughts. Jonathon was a really nice guy who seemed to care for her every second of when they were together. He was the perfect gentleman and knew how to charm a lady. Emma didn't know how the three hours with him in that fancy restaurant passed, Jonathon was the perfect companion for a beautiful, romantic evening and she definitely had fun with him. 

She felt another fit of blush creeping up on her cheeks at the thought of how it seemed like he was going to kiss her. Jonathon had dropped her home and when they were in the car in front of her house, he leaned down at her. For a second she gasped thinking that he was gong to kiss but then his lips touched her cheek in stead.

"Hello!! Heaven to earth... Emma Stwert... come back." Elli cooed waving a hand in front of her face. Smiling, Emma walked past Elli who followed like a overenthusiastic puppy.

Ignoring the teasing looks Elli was throwing her way, Emma asked instead. "Where are the kids?"

Elli answered her hurriedly. "They are watching some kind of hanky panky movie. Don't worry, I got them to eat properly and they behaved. Did you guys kiss?"

Elli was clearly desperate. Emma chuckled before entering the living room. "No we didn't, it was just my first date with him Elli."

Elli now gasped in shock. "What? You didn't even kiss! Do you know people do so much more in their first dates like tearing each other's clothes apart, then getting a room and..."

"I don't care about all those other people's uncultured activities Elli." Emma yelled back with slight irritation now before approaching the kids, she dropped herself beside them after hearing Elli scoff from the hallway.

"Yeah, yeah. The typical, old school mommy." Elli stomped away after that making Emma shake head and chuckle at her tantrum. There were apparently more than two kids under this roof.



Stepping out of the ever bustling JFK airport Brandan stretched his arms and breathed in the summer air of the New york city. He had been here twice before, both trips were during his teen years. He looked around lazily, no wonder his favorite season was summer. Going to the beach, moving around freely without those woolen coats and furry hats, a relief from the dull whiteness of the snowy city. 

Right at that moment, a sweet breeze hit his face and ruffled his hair in smooth caresses, like it was a miracle that touched him. Brandan was left in a form of blissful stupification. 

Something was in the air here, something that screamed that he was finally home. 

He was confused, how could he feel like this !!

Brandan's pleasure and puzzlement was short lived when he felt a hard push on his back and with a thud he found himself falling on the ground with Oliver sprawled half on top of him and both of their luggage flying around them while the cart strolled away. 

"What the hell, Oliver! Where are your eyes... damn it !!" Brandan grunted dangerously.

Oliver groaned, it seemed like he was hurt. Badly. "I was looking around for you man but who knew you were standing over here like a statue. But... were you sniffing air? Are you freaking alright, Brandan ?"

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