Chapter 34

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Thank you so much all you fantastic readers and sweet, lovely friends for your votes and comments on this story, on the previous chapters. You guys made me - make me :) so so happy. Love you so much. MUahhhh.

Dedicating this chapter to @Knight_rider18



Elli entered the noisy club, her expression grim, mood sour. She couldn't believe, she couldn't just believe that french bast*** dumped her. He dumped her saying that - that she was cold... and what was that? Distant, stupid and unromantic. 

She went straight to the bar and asked for a beer. Tonight was the night when Elli would get drunk, she thought vengefully. It wasn't like her heart was bleeding in pain or something, she kind of was beginning to like him and now it was a unexpected - solid punch to her ego. And no one - that means no one punches Elli's ego.

Swallowing down two big gulps of her beer grudgingly Elli began taking in her surroundings spinning on the bar stool. Sweaty, drunk, over energetic people were dancing crazily grinding their bodies together... huh. Bloody hormone driven stupid perverts.

At last her eyes fell upon the people sitting beside her and then back to the rugged looking bartender, she made a double take the next moment and snapped her head back to her side to the guys right next to her. 

What the hell!! 

Brandan and Oliver, they were sitting right beside her drinking. While Oliver was drinking like there was no tomorrow, Brandan was just absentmindedly twirling the whiskey in his glass. The man even didn't seem to notice when a little of that whiskey splashed a little and fell on his shirt.

She could hear them talking between themselves...

"Brandan! Are you out of your mind? You and I both know that you can do it, you can rip that Jonathon away from Emma. So you better take my advice seriously pal." Oliver exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"And what is this idea of yours?" Brandan's voice was unsure but Oliver was slightly high on alcohol and overly confident.

"Bankrupt Jonathon. If he doesn't have a company Emma doesn't have a job, he would be no more Emma's boss. Girls don't like men without money." Oliver pointed it all out simply.

Irritated, Brandan gritted his teeth. "Well, let me inform you that Emma isn't like all those other girls, she never cared about money and she never will."

Oliver thought for a long minute tapping his forefinger on his chin. "Then... then we - we kidnap Jonathon's secretary."

Brandan frowned, "What does it have to do anything with Emma?"

Oliver held a finger in front of Brandan's puzzled face. "Then we frame Jonathon of murdering his secretary because - he's a psychopath. Emma might not care about money but she would surely care about if the person she's dating is a murderer and screwed in the upstairs." For a finishing touch Oliver tapped his finger on his head.

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