Chapter 40

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Hello everyone. :D I'm back with another chapter. All the people who have been voting and commenting being the wonderful readers and kind, darling friends that you are. I love you all. <3 I love you all so dearly and tremendously for taking "You're Still The One" to #6 on the hot list. (tight hugs while sobbing emotionally)

Dedicating this chapter to @Rebecca_Dawn Loved reading your comments. :)


"I love you Emma..." His soft voice trailed off into her ears and ran through the veins settling finally in her heart.

Emma's eyes filled with tears.

Once - long ago, she had dreamed to hear these three words from his mouth. She had even dreamt him saying he loved her in vivid romantic details and at the end of those dreams she would always say those words back to him, they would kiss after that - then he would hold her hand, sweep her off her feet. They would disappear in to the horizons hand in hand... and towards their happily ever after.

But those dreams had stopped recurring since the moment she left.

And now, here he was, saying those three words with so much sincerity, desire and passion while holding her like that in his embrace - like she was his life? It seemed so much like one of those dreams of hers.

A gasp tore through her lips as reality slowly sank into her. Brandan had changed surely, but she wasn't also the same Emma, the same naive girl from six years ago who had given into her desires, her emotions that she felt for him so easily.

"You shouldn't say things you don't mean, Brandan." His arms only tightened around her when she tried to wiggle out.

She watched as the dazed passion in Brandan's eyes slowly dissipated. Formed was the beginnings of one strong fear. "Can't you see or don't you want to see how much I love..."

"DON'T." Emma hissed. Her heart thudded painfully when she felt him loosen his grip around her waist.

"It's only the truth." He murmured almost inaudibly.

Emma was a mess inside and the fear in Brandan's eyes crushed her even more. While her heart craved to hug him tight and sooth all his fears and anxieties away, she knew - she knew that she wasn't ready to drop all her walls and again leave herself as vulnerable as she had once before - in the very same man's arms. Besides she hadn't still broken up with Jonathon, she was anything but a woman with double standards.

So she pushed herself lightly away from Brandan... whose fear had turned into slight panic. Emma could see that blazing in his eyes, there was so much hurt in them as she distanced herself from him. Ignoring her inner self screaming in protest she forced herself to back away.

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