Chapter 20

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"It's either you listen to me or... listen from my lawyer."

Like a sharp stab of a knife, his words pierced her. Cold wave of panic shot through her spine in the most vivacious manner. 

Brandan stood still, looking at her as though she had transformed into a statue made of porcelain. He took a step back, promising himself that he would soon make a way to step into her territory, but before that, he needed to break those damned walls around her. He waited patiently as she slowly turned around to face him. Shock was written all over her face, and there was this shrill panic across her features. However, it was stunning how in no time she swallowed all those emotions and made her face an absolute blank mask.

Her eyes had a veil of utter nothingness, she looked so distant. He could see absolutely nothing in them, knowing he had hurt her - all over again. And he hated himself for that. He wanted to take her in his arms and sooth away all those hurt and pain caused by him, but he knew better. 

It was best to wait.

"Are you kidding me ?" Her voice held so much hatred that Brandan cringed. Would he ever be able to change that? He questioned himself as he stared at her softly but determined not to show his vulnerability.

"Look Emma, I don't want to drag you and our kids to court and I definitely don't want them to go through all that shit in such tender age - witnessing their parents fighting for their custody. I just want to have a mature conversation with you about our kids and what to do now, I want to be in their lives too. You know very well that I've the right."

Brandan breathed heavily pausing for a second. "So please meet me at dinner tomorrow, I'll let you know where and when."

Brandan was about to turn around when Emma's firm voice rang like a thunder, and the tone made Brandan know what was going on behind that emotionless veil. "And how would you do that? Stalked me enough to get my number?"

He looked back at her, it was fury burning inside her - fury and panic. He didn't want to cause this but he had no choice.

Brandan couldn't help the slight smirk that appeared hearing her.

It was now Emma who turned around, that smirk said everything... and how she wanted to slap that smirk off his face. But she couldn't do that. It would be childish, she had to act reasonable and logical when her children were involved. 

She picked up the keys which were still lying on the ground. As she slid inside her car Brandan announced confidently. "Don't forget to be there, contacting a lawyer is still an option I would prefer to choose - if you don't show up."

Emma ignited the engine furiously and sped away leaving a hopeful Brandan behind, who left a shaky breath finally giving away the ruthless - businessman facade. 

He knew what he was doing was literally blackmailing her but he kept chanting in his mind, "Everything is fair in love and war."

After thinking her to be dead all these years, when he found her miraculously alive and with two added additions of those innocent little joys. He didn't plan to let her go, no way in hell. And he had every intention to win her back - fight for her love, even if that meant to fight with her. Making the four of them a family, a family filled with love and happiness was his destination since the moment he found her in the fire. And he would go to any extent to reach that destination.



Emma tossed and turned on her bed for the hundredth time, sleep was nowhere to be seen. The reason was none other than that heck of a jerk - Brandan Rozario. 

Finally with a huff giving up the attempts of getting some sleep she kicked away the covers and sat up on the bed. Clutching her head she felt like screaming in frustration. She was well aware that Brandan had gotten successfully to her weak spot. She didn't know what to do anymore, let the father of her children suddenly make a grand entry into their lives or let him drag them to court and break into their lives forcefully. 

The most disturbing thing was she already knew the answer, she would never want the later. She knew how stressful and draining those custody battles were to children. That would leave permanent scars and emotional wounds in their little hearts. Emma couldn't be that brutal to her children, she couldn't do that to her kids. 

But Brandan could and would, Emma thought despising the unknown moment she like a fool fell for that stupid man. 

His threats only proved how cruel - how ruthless and evil he still was. Who does that to their own flesh and blood? Of course Brandan the great Rozario - who else? 

Emma pounded her head into the pillow repeatedly falling back onto the soft mattress. Was Brandan having split personality disorder or what? One moment it felt like he was changed, he meant what he said when he apologized that night at the back porch steps. And then he went on and deliver nasty threats of lawyers and all.

Resting her arm upon her head Emma sighed with frustration, she was so confused. 

Right then her phone beeped signaling receiving a text message. Rolling onto her side Emma opened the text only to see the name of a restaurant and reservation time. Again Emma sat up on the bed. There was a smiley face at the end of the text. What the heck was there to smile?

Emma grumbled under her breath, so this was Brandan's number. And why was he still up this late at night Emma thought scrunching her brows. Was he also having trouble sleeping, like her. Then she shook her head. Who cares! 

And with a saddened sigh she realized she was in for another sleepless night. 

Faint sound of a guitar playing reached her ears right then, she didn't have to guess anymore who was that talented musician next door. Groaning loudly Emma pressed her fluffy pillow upon her head in an attempt to block out the enticing tone... only to fall into a dreamless sleep after a while.



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