Chapter 4

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( **Continuation of the flashback** )

Emma made her way through the bustling crowd of the party. Her floor length blue dress was strapless and hugged her figure in a marvelous way. She could sense heads turning towards her but surprisingly she didn't feel nervous. Maybe it was Evan's revelation, that hit to the center of her heart had probably managed to numb her for good.

Two bars were set at two ends of the huge hall to manage the liquor thirsty stampede of youth.

Emma pushed passed the swaying sweaty bodies of the drunk party animals who were already out of their senses and made her way to one of the bars. The sexy looking bartender's both hands were busy wooing the people surrounding the counter with his technics and skills with the bottles and quenching their demands by handing them shots after shots of colorful liquids. Half of the people were already wasted around. So many pairs of so called lovers were making out in various dark corners.

When finally the bartender got the opportunity to look at her, well he looked at her up and down smiling brilliantly.

"Two shots of tequila." She ordered in a low voice.

This was the first time Emma would be consuming alcohol, she had seen Evan and his friends getting wasted with those. She had heard their conversation of how this liquid heaven could make you forget of everything. She wanted to forget tonight, she wanted to try make all this pain let go, because her heart knew how long she had been holding her broken pieces together and she just physically couldn't anymore.

Two pegs were slammed before her by the smiling bartender.

"Here you go...", he sang rhythmically with the beat that the DJ was playing right then and strolled to the other side to attend the desperate others.

Emma first sipped it carefully, it felt stinky making her to almost puke but the next moment she threw it down her throat in one go and tightly closed her eyes. The liquid burned through her throat and stomach proudly announcing its arrival to her system.

It was wrong, so wrong what she heard, because it didn't feel like she was forgetting anything. She felt her emotions coming very close to surface now.

What if what Evan said were true, what if she was truly the reason why their mother was dead. It was indeed true that if she weren't born their mother would have not died through childbirth. She had watched her dad suffering each and every moment in the absence of his life partner.

Without pondering over what would be benefits of getting drunk anymore, Emma downed the second one too, in one go. Now the burning in her throat and stomach became pleasureful. It was making her thoughts going blur. Maybe if she swallowed some more of this magical water, she would be able to find the desired outcome.

"Four more."

Her voice came out croaked, when she turned to see the bartender raising a brow towards her, she felt the whole hall was spinning a little. How did that happen?

She downed the first one and squeezed the lemon upon her tongue, that helped to keep it encaged in her stomach and control the spinning a little. Well, not for too long.

It was her fault, mom had died because of her. Evan had been hurting because of her. Her own elder brother who was supposed to love her, protect her had been feeling nothing but hate for her. What had she done to deserve this!

She downed the second one and was going to the third when a big hand upon her shoulder made her to snap up her head towards the intruder. The hurried movement of her head made the spinning sensation to return again now added with a churning to puke, she swore there was seriously something going wrong in her stomach otherwise why would it gurgle silently like that.

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