Chapter 5

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Typing away in the computer at a break neck speed, she glanced at her wrist watch. One last slam of her fingers and the figures were saved perfectly. Working in the banking world, constantly doing wrestlings with large numbers and also that had to be perfect. There was no scope to do any mistakes. Turning off the office computer she sighed a breath of relief and stood up, glanced at her wrist watch one last time. She could leave now. 

She made her hands trying to flatten any wrinkle on her work suit. When she was about to walk down the distance towards her office door, she realised that she was barefooted. Biting tongue lightly she almost leaped back towards her heels and put them on. She preffered boots more because of the ease she got from them but at office like all the others she had to follow the strict work rules.

Right then her intercom buzzed, "You have a guest. If you are ready I'll sent him in.".

By the tone of her secretary she just knew it must be a big client, an important one. She felt like stomping her foot on the carpet she was standing upon but didn't, that would be childish. A lady in such a high post in banking industry who was reknowened for her elegant ways would never had the moral permission to do such things. 

So she plastered a smile on her face, brushed away all the traces of tiredness mentally, put on a flawless mask of confidence and sat back down in her leather chair which still felt like a throne to her.

Then she hit on her intercom and said to tyler, "Send him in, Ty."

A knock was heard on the door then, she said in an official yet a welcoming tone, "Come in."

A middle aged man clad in smart suit walked in with a crooked smile of his own, his dress-up screamed wealth and royalty. By her experienced knowledge over people of various classes, their work and personal characters, she sensed that he must be a top rank businessman or something. She straightened up her spine, it still gave her the sensation of going in a war, to woo someone, convince someone to invest in theirs.

She had gone through a lot and worked like a machine day and night to achieve this position. She knew she was a fighter but gradually she discovered the other part of herself who could be definitely a winner and pretty flawless at that. 

And when the man after settling himself in the chair across her desk spoke, "Hi, am Seth Stirling and you are ms. Emma Stewart as I have heard about you. Nice to meet you finally." Like always she knew that she had got there right at the beginning, she had succeeded. This gentleman was already in her purse packed and done.

"The pleasure is mine, sir."

She courtsied a pleasant smile while shaking his hand. 

While she finally got herself out and hit the chilling streets of New York, she was exhausted but still excited to get to home. As a taxi hailed before her after a few minutes of wait, she slid herself in. With a sigh she leaned her head back and looked at the bustling, lively beginning of the night life out the window. 

Time had flown by pretty quickly, it had been six years, six long years. But still everything seemed as if it all had just happened yesterday. 



( **Flashback** )

Blinding morning light against his heavy eyelids made him squint and groan in annoyance. He rolled over and dragged the pillow closer to him and cuddled it in his chest. Sighing happily he tried drifting off to sleep again but the tingly warm breaths of that pillow against his bare skin wouldnt let him.

Now. How could a pillow breath? His hand traveled around on what felt like a girls soft back. He smiled. Again he ended up in bed with someone. 

He thought still his eyes closed. Who could it be? Some hot chick for sure that is. He opened his eyes lazily and looked down. It was then when his breath got stuck in his throat and he almost spit on his own saliva in shock. 

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