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Wohooo!!! Here's the epilogue. Not going to say much before you guys read it. :)

Dedicated to watergirl57  and jeeboombaa... Your beautiful posts warmed my heart. Love u. <3

I looked around leisurely as the party went in full swing. Everyone was happy, bubbling with excitement. And so was I.

I turned to look at Sarah at the sweet sound of her laughter. She was quite busy with her new, very close friend... Augustin. I raised an eyebrow when Sarah leaned towards the pretty boy with his dark hair ruffled so cutely and said something in his ear. A low giggle escaped my lips as the boy ran away, blushing furiously. I could see great chemistry in them. But Brandan couldn't.

Shaking my head in amusement, I watched the ever so over-protective father of my children approach Sarah with a slight scowl adoring his handsome face and lift her up in his lap as if trying to shield her away from the whole world.

Smiling through the familiar crowd of people, I slowly began walking towards them.

After that fateful day in the airport and then the very blissful, pretty dreamlike time we spent in Hawaii, three long, eventful months passed. Shortly after that, we shifted back to our hometown in Boston, where Brandan gifted me a house on my birthday, and slowly we made it a home. And it felt like finally, we were where we were meant to be, our last destination. We were finally, in the true sense, at home.

It took some time for us to settle down, especially the kids. But as soon as we could slump back and breathe, we threw this housewarming party.

"Why that frown, honey?" Rubbing the palm of my hand up and down Brandan's spine in a soothing motion, I felt him shudder under my touch, a very familiar reaction to me when he was aroused.

Sarah wiggled free from his suddenly distracted father's hold. He looked at her, running away, and then turned his attention to me.

"Keep doing that, and I'll have to drag you upstairs and begin our very own private party..." He dragged a finger from my temple to my jawline seducingly, and it was my turn to shiver. "... which seems like would be far more interesting than this boring party. What do you say?"

I leaned into his hand, which had now cupped the side of my face. "I say, you're insatiable Mr."

Pressing my body closer to his, I caressed the back of his neck. His eyes were dilated immediately. Oh, how I love to tease him - torture him like this.

I couldn't help but smirk when he groaned, his face dangerously close to mine.

"Augustin! Where are you?" Sarah's voice snapped us out of our lust-filled haze. I was still getting used to constantly forgetting about the whole world when around Brandan. It was just too difficult to concentrate on anything else.

Brandan scowled. "I don't like that Augustin guy. He should stay away from my baby girl. How could you let them go on a date?"

I scrunched my brows and chuckled, looking at Brandan. Right now, he was looking like a pouting child whose mother had punished him for stealing cookies when he actually didn't.

"That was a play date, Brandan, and let me remind you - they are just kids." I fake gasped, "Don't tell me you're jealous of a small child!"

"I'm not jealous of anyone." He said too quickly. Anyone would know the truth behind his words.

You're Still The One *slowly editing* (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now