Chapter 35

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Thanks all you lovely readers and friends for voting and commenting on You're Still The One. Love u all so much. Muahhh... :D

Dedicating this chapter to @HarsuSFk :)



Once again a day started with a massive headache, clearly the result of a sleepless long night.

Emma glared at the file on her desk, the glass of clear cold water sitting beside that damned file... the contents of which failed to get Emma's attention.

Someone snapped their finger in front of her face a few times loudly making Emma jump a little and straightening her spine with alarm. She looked up at the blue orbs staring coldly at her.

Jonathon. How the hell could she forget about him sitting right in front of her.

"Thinking about Brandan, are we?" Jonathon's eyes narrowed at Emma, an anger filled throaty chuckle made it's way through his lips.

Emma quickly looked away. How she was going to deny his obvious observation when she was truly doing that - thinking about that one person she shouldn't.

"Jon... I..." She started speaking but stopped midway not knowing what she really should say. What should actually be spoken in this type of situation?

Jonathon's lips formed a thin line, the anger shimmering in his eyes disappeared behind the facade of absolute expressionless mask but not before Emma got to see a pinch of that anger's presence there.

He spoke out in a cool and collected tone, "I was thinking about asking you if you wanted to go with me on this art exhibition but clearly you would be busy thinking about a certain persons and if not that... you are always busy nowadays in one thing or another. So never mind huh..."

Standing up Jonathon proceeded to make his way to the exit. Emma too stood up abruptly after him. "Jon stop! Jon I don't know what is going on but... but you are clearly misunderstanding..."

Jonathon just stood there stiff, his back facing her. Heavy silence made the air inside the office dense with tension. After a good few seconds which felt like a long stretched hour - Jonathon's rigid, tensed shoulders slumped.

"I hope so Emma. I hope that I am just misunderstanding."

Without giving Emma a chance to reply he stormed out and away from her. Emma slumped back down in her chair, the headache turned into a terrible migraine in a matter of a minute.

She was so confused - so very confused. Since that night she bailed Brandan out of jail, since that car ride - his sensuous words - that kiss which shook every molecule of her existence, she couldn't think straight. Two weeks had passed after that night.. that night when she stood in the heavy rain suddenly realizing that her heart was in risk again. It was in risk of falling in that wicked trap from which she picked up it's broken pieces years ago.

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