Chapter 30

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Opening the door, Emma was greeted with the warm smile of the person she didn't want see right now.


"Yes. Me..." Brandan went past her and inside her home - her sanctuary like he freaking owned it and that definitely didn't sit well with the fury she had been feeling to be slowly crawling towards the edge of an explosion since the moment she had seen him with that woman last evening.

All clear logics to not feel so were acting futile for her worked up brain.

Emma watched as the kids sprung up from the couch when Brandan showed them the pizza and coke he had brought with him. Why hadn't she noticed them earlier? Because she was too busy glaring at him, she answered herself.

"Come here Emma, there'll be none left for you if you keep standing there and just stare." Brandan's voice made her snap out of her thoughts.

"I'm not hungry." Emma replied simply as Brandan picked up Sarah and sat her on his lap while Sammy was already busy snatching away a piece of cheese heaven, the little boy was close to drooling.

As she began moving towards the kitchen she heard Sarah notifying Brandan in a not so quiet whisper, "Mommy no hungry last night too. I think she got a stomach bug..."

Shaking her head she walked around the kitchen counter to pour herself a glass of water. Those children were such little smart observant things.

"What's wrong, Emma?" The voice came from behind her right at the moment she had just rested her hip against the counter lazily. She became stiff. Not answering him she kept the empty glass in it's place and stared at a picture hanging on the wall. In the picture, Sarah and Sammy were grinning broadly at the camera with a ice-cream in each ones hands.

Sighing, Brandan rested the palms of his hands on the counter. "You didn't answer me, Emma." He pointed out, a sharp edge to his tone. Clearly, he wasn't liking being ignored.

"Even if something is wrong with me it's none of your busin..." Before Emma could finish her sentence she was spun around to face Brandan, his hand around her upper arm in a tight but gentle grip.

"Oh no, dear... that - none of your business - shit is not going to work this time." He stated firmly, his hold around her arm never loosened no matter how much Emma tried to wiggle away. He leaned closer to her and narrowed his eyes as she glared at him. "You're going to tell me why the freaking hell you're ignoring me like a plague since last night. And with those glares, I can clearly see somethings going on in that crazy head of yours."

Emma pushed at his chest with her free hand which resulted for him to take a very tiny step back. "I'll do what I please Brandan and no, I don't have to explain anything to you for any of my actions. Now, why don't you just leave me be and go f*** one of your who**s instead of..." She stopped with her eyes widened by the words that had just slipped off her mouth.

In a matter of a second Brandan's expression changed from shock to anger. "Tell me Emma," his voice was grave. "When the hell are you going to see me for the man I'm now? How many times more do I've to prove myself? Because I don't know what to do anymore."

As he backed away Emma noticed that she was free from his grasp and it wasn't possible for her to feel emptier that this. He sounded so broken that it made her want to hug him but then she reminded herself of what she saw last night. And with renewed determination she turned around.

She knew he was standing behind her, there was no sound except of some cartoon playing on the TV from the living room. "I'm not a fool, Brandan."

"Maybe, I am." His voice was just a hushed whisper, but she listened it anyhow.

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