Chapter 39

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Hi!!!! How are you all? Thanks for being such lovely readers, love you all for your precious votes and wonderful comments. I really love reading your comments - so much that I can't help but reply to almost all of them, you already know that right? :)

I was walking down the street in heavy rain with a ice-cream (wrapped up in a plastic bag of course), the sky looked dangerously marvelous whenever it was lightening making me jump every time and the running people around me curse and speeding up. That was the moment when this one scene came to my mind. No, the scene has nothing to do wit rain but still it's one of the most important scenes in this story - in my opinion at least.

So after you read this chapter and especially Brandan and Emma's THAT scene, don't forget to let me know if you agree with me...

Dedicating this chapter to @Aanchi_Arayansh and @LuvPreetikaRao

p.s: You can connect the song added to both Oliver's and Brandan's scenes. I think it would work both ways but with different purposes of course. :) Enjoy!



Elli was wearing such a huge smile that her cheeks were hurting. She had bounce on her steps as she sprinted towards home from the bus-stop merrily. She was so happy today.

That's when she heard a very very familiar voice singing.

" ... one step closer, I've died everyday waiting to kill you. Darlin' don't be afraid... "

Elli stopped dead in her track and looked around. And yes there was that human version of Satan reincarnation.

Oliver was walking down the road singing in his terrible voice. Suddenly his eyes caught Elli's as he came face to face with Elli. He made a double take looking at the shine in her eyes, though she had made her face as much neutral as possible but her twinkling joy could be seen.

"Whooaaa! Why so happy, my beloved Elle - Belle?" He asked playfully surrounding a hand over her shoulder. "Found a new love?"

Elli tried to glare at Oliver but damn she was too happy to do so. So she broke into a smile.

Oliver dropped his hands amused at watching Elli be nice to him - for the first time ever.

"You can say so." She shrugged.

Turning around Elli began walking away still holding that smile intact. Oliver stood there frozen for a while, then he suddenly realized Elli was walking again. He sprinted after her.

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