Chapter 3

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Without looking at Martha, Brandan hurriedly picked up his wallet, he didn't like getting late at work. So he was moving around the room in a comet like speed getting ready for office. Making a low, irritated snorting sound Brandan double checked the drawers and his wardrobe. It seemed like his handkerchief had suddenly decided to vanish from this world. 

Shaking her head, Martha walked towards the bed, picked up his handkerchief from upon the pillow and moved to stand before Brandan. Brandan smiled thankfully at Martha while she lifted the handkerchief towards him. Taking it from her hand and tucking inside his pocket Brandan said. "I gotta go now mom. Bye."

Martha stopped him immediately. "But Brandan... I need to talk to you."

Brandan moved away briskly. "Let's talk later mom when I come back from work. Not now."

Martha smiled sadly. "There's no scope to talk to you when you come back Brandan, I don't even have any idea when you will be back home. Sometimes you don't even come back and pass the whole night in that damned office." Martha complained a little bitterly. There's just so much a mother could watch her son waste away.

A flicker of guilt slithered up Brandan's spine, it was true that he had always disappointed his parents. Though he had changed his ways but still he was disappointing them, in one way or another. It was as if written in his fate - to be a disappointment, to be a destroyer to everyone's happiness around.

Quickly Martha recovered the look of sadness from her face and looked at Brandan with motherly love. "Anyways, you were sent an invitation to your college reunion party. It's next week, one of your friends from college called me earlier checking on if you will be there. What was his name..." She tried recalling the name of his friend.

The name of college, his wrecked friends, parties... Brandan shook internally with the amount of aggression that suddenly consumed him. 

With a cold detached look he began walking past Martha to get out of the room. "I won't be able to attend the party mom, there's too much pending work at office."

Martha walked around to stand before Brandan once again. She kept a hand gently on his shoulder. "I think you should go Brandan, it's okay to loosen up for a while, go enjoy, live a little, get a pretty girl."

Brandan waved his hand in the air brushing off Martha's idea. "No mom. I don't need any such loosening up and all."

Martha sighed and said desperately. "Six years, Brandan. It's been six years since you haven't attended any party, gone out clubbing, you haven't even met any of your friends since then. I know, something must have happened that night in that party six years ago but..."

 "Enough mom. Just stop it."  

Martha gasped and took a step back when Brandan's eyes suddenly turned red as he yelled. Martha was staring at Brandan, shocked. Raking a hand through his now dishevelled hair Brandan breathed heavily. A rush of memory almost blinded him with it's force.

"Sorry mom." He mumbled out.

He didn't wait a second to hear a reply, briskly storming out of the house he controlled both his heart and his moist eyes from a breakdown. All the way to the office his heart beat erratically wishing he could change that night, wishing he could change the morning that followed, wishing he could stop the consequences that followed when it was still possible.. But his wishes were just that, wishes and nothing more. And they would just stay like that, for the past could never be changed.



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