Chapter 7

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( **Flashback** )

No place was left unturned to search for Emma, a suffocating atmosphere was surrounding both the men. Evan, the shaken up brother was losing himself almost in the depth of insanity. Feeling his heart burn like never before Brandan didn't know how to undo all his mistakes and the pathetic burning feeling inside him would only grow with each horrid passing moment.

Robert had been hyper in the phone speaking with the cops since last half an hour at stretch, pacing from one end of the living room to another. This was how it was going on since Emma had left. Frowns of worry were visible in everyones faces, possibility of her being in any kind of danger and the obvious existence of shame and guilt making the hollows inside them even bigger.

Brandan was sitting in one of the sofas, he had this look of a zombie... lifeless and devoid of any emotion. Dark circles surrounded his eyes due to sleepless, restless nights. Desperateness to see her, to apologize to her was driving him to near madness.

Robert called for Martha. He had still not spoken to Brandan, not even had glanced at him. This was killing Brandan even more. He knew that he deserved it, he deserved the worlds worst punishments for what he did. Humiliating Emma, insulting her in the worst possible way proved to be the final nail to his own coffin.

"Martha. The cops and those private investigators I hired have finally found a trail."

The moment these words fell in Brandan's ears it was as if a lightening had struck him. He shot up his head and jumped up with widened eyes. In long few strides he was right before Robert and Martha, his eyes sparkling with new found hope.

Brandan's eyes became teary suddenly as his emotions fought hard to let them come to surface.

"Really dad... they found Emma! Where?"

Robert didn't bother to spare a glance at Brandan, Martha shook her head at both in happiness of having a hope to find Emma and in sadness of Robert's behavior towards Brandan. Moreover she was frustrated over Brandan's doings in all this. But they would surely find her now and bring her back home, she sobbed silently in relief.

"Tell him clearly Martha, from now on he has nothing to do with Emma. He is not to marry her, Emma deserves better than him. Tell him to stop this stupid act he's putting up..."

Martha had tears in her eyes feeling helpless by the whole situation. "But Robert..."

Brandan cut in, his voice choked up in emotions. "I am not putting up any act dad... I..."

Robert lifted his hand up gesturing Brandan to stop talking.

Sighing, Brandan closed his eyes and bent his head down. No matter how hard he tried now he couldn't change what was done already. The damages were done and the consequences were inevitable.

Brandan thought that in these two days of searching Emma crazily everywhere he knew now what hell meant, if he couldn't see Emma soon enough he feared he wouldn't be able to keep his sanity intact anymore.

But he still didn't have any idea of what was coming up next, of what was awaiting him. He just held onto the sudden risen hope with the force of a starved man holding his only meal in weeks.



By the end of midnight, they got the accurate information of Emma's whereabouts. Investigators had confirmed that she was staying at a small, shabby motel in the other end of the city.

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