Book 2: You've Got A Way (completed)

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You're Still The One spin off.
It's a stand alone book.

(Characters from You're Still The One will appear occasionally. Oliver's there as a permanent character, so of course you'll get to read a lots of his craziness there.)

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Baby I've been here before

I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew ya

And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
And love is not a victory march

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah...

             Evan had experienced the glory of love and the sadness too. He was left scarred by the loss of the love of his life. Her parting gift to him - their newborn child Julius, the only string that connected him to life - that kept him alive.

             He had experienced his heart transforming to a piece of stone at the grave of his wife when he had seen the last drop of his warm tear falling down and disappearing into the ground beneath which she laid.

             As Evan moved in a small town of Vermont, things were about to change when Ramona, the slightly crazy and extremely infuriating, alcoholic woman next door, might be the only one to make that stone melting. And he, didn't see it coming...

             But Ramona had her walls up too, to guard her own broken heart which was reminded constantly of the darkness inside it by Evan's uncontrollable anger issues.

             How would they ever write their future together when Evan only saw Ramona as a threat to his child and Ramona compared Evan to her past?

            Next to them they still didn't know evil was still creeping in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to pounce with a purpose so vile. And they, didn't see it coming...

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Hello my lovely friends and readers. How're you all? It's been really so long since I've posted something here... on the book of You're Still The One. And I'm feeling so damn ecstatic to finally post the description of the next book of You're Still The One... "You've Got A Way". The title's once again based on another one of my favorite songs by Shanaia Twain. She's a lovely singer and her life story... and how she made it to where she's now - from a bar singer to a heart throb, it is so inspiring. I really adore her, for her singing and for how she's in her personal life as well. <3

(Sighs) Back to the book 2, Evan's story. :) I'm still working on the cover but anytime I would be uploading the prologue of You've Got A Way. I hope you all will support it as much as you've supported You're Still The One. 

Many of you... or maybe all of you have these questions that - will there be Emma, Brandan, the cutipie kids Sarah and Sammy and especially Oliver and Elli in book 2. Well, before you ask I would like to already deliver the answer. Yes, you'll get a lots of them too. 

And about Elliver, the base of their own book would be building up in You've Got A Way. When I introduced Elli and Oliver to you guys as side roles, I never thought that they would get so much love and popularity... sometimes even more than Brandan and Emma. Seeing all your love towards this crazy couple, after book 2 and of course after studying your response I would write a separate book about them as well. But for that friends, keep up your support, share your ideas and thoughts... and don't forget to vote. 

Let me know about your thoughts about the beginning description of You've Got A Way. 

Take care. Love you all.
Hugs and kisses.
- Lara.

You're Still The One *slowly editing* (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now