Chapter 10

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Breakfast was as usual a quiet chore as always, Robert finished his breakfast and got up first, right at that moment Brandan walked in the dining hall. It had become a rutine now Robert ignoring Brandan like a plague and Brandan keeping this sacred distance intact as if acknowledging it as his punishment.

"Morning mom." Brandan kissed his mothers cheek as he scooted back his chair to sit.

Martha greeted back smiling at her son overly sweet while filling his plate with breads and bacons.

Brandan was almost done emptying his plate when he noticed Martha giving him weary glances and fiddling with her fork. He sensed that Martha was trying to say something to him, something important maybe. But he didnt push it, knowing Martha's nature she wouldn't be able to keep it in herself for much longer.

Finally Martha spoke nervously after clearing her throat. "Brandan. Can you be at home by 5 o'clock ?"

Brandan dropped his fork on the plate gently, sipped his coffee and looked at martha from above the edge of his mug. "Why mom ?"

"Nothing serious Brandan. I had just promised one of my friends that I would visit them this evening and..." Martha paused.

"And?" Brandan asked.

Once again Martha cleared her throat before continuing. " ...and I said - I mean I promised that my son would accompany me."

Brandan sat up staright now, eyeing Martha suspiciously. "You promised your friend that you would meet her with me accompanying you?"

Martha gave a hesitant nod.

Brandan asked quitely, "Without knowing if I had any time for this social rubbish mom ?"

Martha held her forehead with one hand, "You never have any time for anything other than work Brandan."

"That's not an excuse." His voice was cold.

Then as if a bulb lit up in his mind, Brandan scoffed. "Uhh! Wait wait wait. Is it about setting me up with a girl !! Not again mom !! Not again !! We already discussed about this !! Why won't you still understand ?"

Martha placed her head in her hands tiredly. "Brandan. I am getting old son, I want to see you get settled, be happy, make your own family."

Brandan stood up, the chair he was sitting on made a loud screeching noise being pushed backwards along the floor so violently.

"Happiness has died for me long ago, it doesnt exist in my life anymore. Never it'll ever be."

He stormed out of the house like a bat out of hell, to live in a life where there was no liveliness left anymore.



Emma sat across her desk giving quizzical glances at Jonathon who was gobling up his sandwich like he had not eaten in weeks. Emma took a small bite of her own sandwich and started chewing it in a relaxed manner.

It was one of the most awkward moments in office for Emma. Jonathon being the boss of this company never shared his lunch with her.

Yes. Jonathon and Emma were friends but not to the point of taking the risk to show it to the whole office, they always believed in taking their professional lives seriously.

Jonathon was behaving a little weird too with those nervous glances he was passing at her when he thought she wasn't noticing.

The whole lunch time had become extremely awkward.

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