Chapter 36

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Hello all you lovely readers, friends! Hugs to you all and Happy Mother's Day to all the mommys out there who have lovely kids - just like Sarah and Sammy here. :)

And thanks to all of you who have been voting and commenting being my loyal friends and readers. Love you guys. Muaaahhh...

Dedicating this chapter to @AndromedaAgaue :)



"Looking cute together.. right ?"

Oliver's voice from behind her made Emma to snap out of her train of thoughts. Her smile stayed prominent on her lips but she didn't turn back to answer his question. No answer was needed actually.

Sammy mumbled something in sleep and instinctively Brandan patted his little back comfortingly moving his head a little deeper in the pillow, Sarah's nose cutely twitched at the slight movement as she snuggled more closer to her father from the other side.

Oliver chuckled low and then sighed, he was still standing behind Emma with his gaze fixed on the sleeping trio as he looked from over her shoulder.

"Just one is still missing from the picture."

He stared at the back of Emma's head when her smile dropped and back stiffened. Her brain automatically imagined herself with Brandan on that bed... their children snuggling them from both sides. She shook her head quickly, damn Oliver for making Emma picture something like that.

Oliver noticed how Emma's shoulders went tensed, he very well could guess what was going on inside her brain.

"Why don't we have some coffee downstairs and then wake them up a while later. What say ? " Oliver offered.

Emma nodded slowly, she didn't have the heart to wake them up. So she followed Oliver with soft steps down in the kitchen.

She made herself comfortable on a bar stool and watched Oliver pour some delicious smelling coffee from the coffee machine in two mugs.

"You make excellent coffee Oliver, thank you. This is what I needed after such a long tiring day, truly." She couldn't help but recall with worry and annoyance of Jonathon's stuck up attitude the whole day.

Oliver smiled and bowed playfully from the other side of the kitchen counter making Emma laugh. "Well, you are welcome and thanks for the compliment. There's a reason why Brandan always keeps me around, I have multiple talents. But I wonder sometimes why he pays me so less!" Pulling a fake sad face he sighed dramatically.

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