Chapter 46

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Yohoooo!! What's up people? :) I kind of forgot to tell you earlier that it's the LAST CHAPTER of You're Still The One. I'm feeling... okay, I don't know what I'm feeling. If I start describing my emotions while I'm posting this chapter, I would have to write a separate novel for that. I'm sure you guys don't want that. :( But hey, wait, there's still an epilogue left. So let's save the tissue papers and read this chapter - LAST chapter. (sobs and smiles - I'm a certified maniac. Makes a funny face.)

And check out this banner of You're Still The One.
I've made a few others too. They're available on Facebook and Twitter.

Dedicating this chapter to adeelaxx Dear, you want this story to come alive... and I feel like this story is alive. :)

Enjoy everyone...


With her crazily beating heart stuck in her throat Emma flew down the road hell set on removing the distance between her and Brandan.

Every single second seemed similar to a long lonely year as she drove in a maddening speed. If she had the capability to think sanely she would have wondered why she still hadn't got a ticket. But she was past caring about anything, past thinking logically. The cops could run after her like hounds out of hell for all she cared.

After probably what felt like a lifetime, she was running down the airport looking around frantically, searching for him. But where the hell was he!

Emma clutched at her hair, she forced down the urge to get sick and make a mess on the tiled floor.

Panic gripped every cell of her body, nearly numbing her breathing with it's evil fist hammering down at her continuously. But she didn't give it the control to stop her - from reaching him.

The plane would take off soon, very soon and still no sight of him. She bumped into several, pushed a few people who ended up falling down with their luggage but she didn't have the time to slow down, to show decency... forget about apologizing.

As the last announcement echoed around her, it strangely felt like someone whispering a death sentence in her ears. She halted to a stop in the middle of the waiting area. Her hands trembling as she slowly sank into the feeling of despair. How could he do that to her? How could he leave her? Was his love, his patience towards her that weak! Had she hurt him that much, that he had to finally... give up on her!

Brandan was gone. Gone forever, never to return again. What had she done!

Someone bumped her shoulder hard making her stumble, she felt herself loosing balance and falling face first on to the shiny, tiled floor of the airport. Eyes tightly closed she didn't even attempt to prevent herself from falling, because fallen she had, a long time ago. So she mentally welcomed the upcoming pain that would surely come from the fall, but couldn't resist the shriek that came out of her mouth instinctively.

But surprisingly, she never hit the floor. Someone had held her shoulders and was slowly, very leisurely straightening her on her feet.

Emma still had her eyes closed, the unrealized trail of tears making her face wet. Since when she had been crying like this, like a child, she herself didn't know.


That voice. She gasped and slowly opened her wet eyelids. A sob escaped her lips by the sight of him. She couldn't believe it, he was here - right in front her. He was here.

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