Chapter 16

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Morning came with a massive headache. 

Brandan sat quietly on the bar stool in front of the kitchen counter, a mug of coffee before him. That was it, he just sat there with that mug in front of him not bothering to have a sip of that much needed tension reliever. He just stared at the slow, steady steam going upwards in the most laziest way to collide with the ceiling. 

Last night still felt like a dream which he had to watch with wide open eyes, very much awake and with sharp consciousness. 

He tossed and turned in bed wide awake, staring at the white ceiling above. Emma hugging Sarah and Sammy, Sammy calling Emma mommy -- the scene kept replaying on and on in his mind. 

At last he gave up when the clock read three in the morning, the last hours of darkness before finally the ever bright sun flamed up the horizon. Brandan found himself pacing in his room in those early hours. Countless questions jammed up in his mind, topping themselves up with a number of thundering emotions. 

Who was the children's father? Was he too late in finding Emma? 

Minutes later he was standing in the balcony shirtless, shivering in cold. But the bite of cold on bare skin helped cool down his turmoiled mind a little.

Then he hopped into the shower and stood under the icy cold water for a long time. In the mirror he watched his eyes having dark rings around, providing him a look of a disheveled, sick man.

And like the heavens felt pity on him, just one phone call from his private investigator made hope to rise in him like never before. The world came to a standstill when he was informed that Emma was indeed still very much unmarried, and no, she wasn't in any kind of relationship as well.

He thought about Sammy's resemblance with him, how creepily Sammy and he shared so much similarities. What about that? And the pull he felt towards Sarah?

Was there any chance that they were ... ?

Elated and completely out of his mind with anticipation, he did the first thing that came to his mind.

Frantically knocking the door of the old woman's house whose name he apparently came to know was Savanah, he felt like he would burst out of his skin.

The door opened slightly, just like last night. Brandan had to crane his neck, almost like a freaking pervert like Savanah told him he was... to have a glance into the house and maybe see Emma or the children... anyone. But the overly smart woman stood firm, blocking his view purposefully.

Damn it. 

"What do you want now? We're trying to have some breakfast over here and seems like you won't let us even do that in peace and let me remind you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Don't tell me that your mom didn't teach you that !"

Now, she was being completely cruel. Brandan here was almost getting faint in excitement, his stomach flipping like crazy.

"Ma'am, I really don't want to annoy you anymore than I already did but ... ."

 He paused for a second to take a much needed breath, " ... I really need to talk to Emma right now, I know she's in there."

Savanah tapped her feet on the wooden floor, her expression very grim. "No."

The door slammed shut on his face not even giving him the scope to process her sharp denial or should he say - insult.

He pounded furiously on the door now with a very red face.

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