How much do you miss me Vince?

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"Don't make your mother the victim when I'm the one who' the victim here."

"Well, papá, you're not the victim; you're the one whose mistress is constantly present.Is this why mum didn't move into this house because of your mistress?"
he exclaimed, surprised.

"Stop calling Rachel a mistress," he yelled at me, and when he realized what he'd done, he got out of his chair, remorsefully reaching for my hand. I took my hand away from the table and yelled back.

"Well, is there another title for women like her?" I said, expecting papá to continue talking.

"Have a nice day father" 
he called me back, I didn't answer him.

I walked directly to my room and double-checked that it was locked. I had no idea when I began to weep. I sat in my bed, crying uncontrollably. I felt horrible about how I treated Papá; he didn't deserve it, and I certainly didn't deserve what they did to me. My parents, both of them.

The two of them have deprived me  of two things all my life. Parental love and care, I had no moment with them.

I was enraged, not just at papá, but also at Mother and Rachel, who had given them permission to play with my emotions?.

I wanted to call Vince and ask him to return to pick me up, but I didn't want to worry him because I was sure he was on his way back to work, and it was too early in the relationship to be bothering him with my personal issues.

Later in the Afternoon I got a message from work, which was strange because I've never gotten a message from the company on my personal mail.

I checked my mail out of curiosity.
Dear Miss Orlando,

Notice of Special Meeting
of Shareholders

This is to inform you that the a special meeting for the Shareholders of Orlando logistics will be held at the company on monday 23rd of may.The meeting will commence at 10.00 a.m. sharp.

By Order of the Board of Directors

Luigi Romano


Orlando logistics

Even though I possess a 25% share in papá, I frequently forget that I am a shareholder. But when did they begin to include me in shareholder meetings? Because I talked to my father about it, and he said that when I'm ready, I can start coming.

My phone began to ring, and even before I saw the caller ID, I knew who it was..

"Hey Vince"

Luna, how was the meeting with your dad.

" I sighed" it was fair enough.

"Are you sure, your voice does not sound convincing enough."

"Vince I'm ok "

"No, you are not, should I come over so we can talk about it" he said what I have been trying to avoid and I am going to be selfish about my decision. I was close to tears when I remembered what happened this morning.

"Yes Vince" I started crying
"papá and I had a fight this morning,I shouted at him Vince"

" Don't cry baby, I will be in your house in some minutes."

"I'm not crying"

"You are, why didn't you call me" I heard a voice in the background asking him where they were going " Orlando's"

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